Thursday, May 5, 2011

What Really Grinds My Gears

1. people who think they know EVERYTHING
2. Haters on my favourite movies>.>
3. Crazy ass drivers on the damn road
4. Politics...
5. Chimps >.>
6. Whenever the DVD player in my mom's living room decides to crap out on me and kill the sound or skip epic parts of the movie I currently have in it
7. The fact that lists are top 'ten'
8. hearing background noise when i'm trying to type a damn list of gear grinding epicness
9. My crackberry sezuring on me and ending up having to have the battery removed and then wait an ass amount of time until it turns back on
10. this damn number >.>



  1. Lmfao! I know this is a serious post...but crackberry...makes me giggle every time :P

  2. it's a mixture of serious and funny so kinda like a funny seriousness :P
