Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Ultimate Battle December 2011

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

November's Wrap Up

Well it's been a very long and stress-filled month. I haven't gotten around to posting alot up here but stuff has happened.

Firstly let's bring up the three new fish I got who are still alive, Cloverfeild and Nox my Black Moor and Taisce my albino catfish. Nox and Taisce actually have meaning behind their names as such that Nox means black or dark and Taisce means treasure. Cloverfeild just popped into my head, probably cuz the eyes reminded me of the cloverfeild monster.

Next I had blogged about the passing of the last horse I'd ever owned. Ara was put down earlier this year due to her back paining her. I had to give her away along with Brie, another horse we'd kept as Ara's companion, and I hadn't seen either of them since then. I had wanted to see them multiple times but things got in the way and now I regret never going to see Ara one last time. But no one can live forever, as my blog title said, and that everything has an expiry date; we just don't know when each of ours is. Ara was also the last horse alive that I had first learned how to ride on. She was one of the handful of equine teachers I had back in the day and also the first horse I fell off of. I remember clearly how afraid of her I was after that and how afraid I was of riding again. I was then moved onto Brie then laster a mare named Tempest who has long passed. When Ara came to live with us I was unwilling to ride her, but soon I broke through my fears and began to ride her; slowly building up to the point when I fell off of her. The year before she had to go, I had conquered my fears of riding her; and for that I was glad. So now to commemorate her I have her stall name plate stuck onto my wall. She lived to 31 years old, which is old for a horse, so i'm not sad she is gone, but glad she had such a long life.

Next something a little lighter, my bro pre-ordered Saints Row: The Third and since then that's all I've been playing; aside from Assassin's Creed. I also got my hair done, it's my normal dark brown with green streaks through it; time to scare the relatives this family christmas :D.

This month I began to question how Carl and I had been friends for so long; 9 years and still going in fact. Then I realized it was because we're the same, yet we're so different. She's a random Blood on the Dancefloor loving nut and i'm the mellow Blood on the Dancefloor loving nut...if that makes any sense to you; because it sure does to me.

And finally, before this blog grows too long, I cleaned up my room, you can actually see the floor :D. And I have a new song to add to my favourites, and if you're interested it's called Angel of Death by The Barker Band. Amazing song.


Monday, November 21, 2011


This blog kinda has something to do with Carl, but it's not bad :P

Anyways I'm sitting here in my room at 1:30 in the morning thinking about things I never thought I'd find myself thinking about now.

It's mostly remenesence of the past 9 years that some how changed my life. *insert flashback music here*

I remember back in grade 2-4 of how I tried to make friends, and everytime I finally did make a friend it wouldn't be too long before they decided they didn't want to be friends anymroe or some how I pissed them off and they ditched me. I felt like I was always alone and would never make a long time friend; heck I didn't even know long term friends existed seeing as the longest I had a friend was a year.

Then I moved from that dark part of my childhood to where I am now in grade 5. There I met a few people who were friends for a short amount of time again, but then there was Carl. And at first I didn't think it would last; that in a year we wouldn't be friends anymore and I would go on about my lonely existance once again. Then sure enough next year she had to move away and I felt alone once more. I spent my days just sitting alone doing nothing wishing she hadn't moved away.

But, as if by some cosmic fate, Carl came back before the end of grade 6. I won't admit this to her face but I was glad she came back >.>

And so the years ticked by as grade 7 and 8 rolled on by and finally grade 9 came along. This is where a rough patch came along, I don't remember what happened anymroe I just remember the few days. I can't remember anymore why I was mad at her but I stopped hanging out with her and for a few days I was alone again. Maybe I thought since we were in high school that we'd make new friends and slowly drift apart? I don't really know :/ But again we ended up friends again and for the rest of high school we stayed that way; even when he did make our own groups of friends.

Now let's fast foreward to now, 9 years later and still going. This is where I came to the realization that for us to have been friends this long has to be because we're almost complete opposites of each other, yet at the same time we're the same. Like she's a crazy nut who loves Hello Kitty a little too much :P while i'm the calm, mellow one :P

And Carl, if you read this; I'm happy we stayed friends this long. You're the only person I've known that has stayed friends with me this long and I appreciate you putting up with me all these years :P. As well as giving me all the most outrageous nicknames in the world from B to Lebtimus Prime and onward.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Badum Tishhh

Alright a few things to get out of the way.

First off Saints Row 3 is out in a few hours :D well online it will be :P

My bro pre-ordered the game and pre-loaded it or something like that so he can play it tomorrow. And after he plays it I will play it >.>

Went out today and found Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 and thought, eh why not. So I've been playing the first one.

Last but not least, tomorrow I go and get my hair done :D FInally after months of no colour! It's going to be turquoise or teal streaks and a almost black brown; i'll post a picture as soon as possible for you all to see.

And that is all for the night!


Friday, November 11, 2011

We All Can't Live Forever

Todays been pretty shocking for me. I still don't know how I should feel at the moment. I feel sadness, but its not heart wrenching. It's like, oh okay. But you're all probably thinking, 'what the hell happened already?'
Well this afternoon I went back to where I used to ride and found out that, Ara, remember the horse I've mentioned a few times in my blog posts? Well she's gone now too. And by gone I mean not with the living anymore. She was 31 and had lived an already long life so maybe that's why I'm not as sad as I expected myself to be.

Anyways that is all, thought I'd get this out in the open.

Oh, by the way, I have a new nickname...LEB...don't I'm going to use it here since college is now over for me and Squeezy was my college nickname.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Three New Guys

Today, after a good month or so after Nyx died, I went out to the pet store and decided to get three new little guys for Pleeko since he was kinda lonely.

Anyways, I don't have pictures but there are two Black Moor Goldfish and an Albino Cory Catfish now. I just came up with the names:
The Cory is named Taisce which means Treausre in Irish.
The smallest and obviously the youngest of the Moor is named Nox.
And finally the dark and bigger of the Moor is named Cloverfeild.

I'll try to get pictures of them later, but at the moment I'm letting them get used to their new home. So far Nox and Cloverfeild are exploring every inch of the tank, picking up the gravel and spitting it back out as they go while Taisce is darting around the bottom.
