Saturday, October 27, 2012

Zombies and Music

Back again! Yep, I'm going to try and post more often now.

So lately it's been pretty mundane for me; paying bills, riding, walking the dog, etc.  Maybe that's why I've started to blog again. 

Anyways, I'm posting today because it just seems like a very zombie-like day.  And I just went outside and can confirm it looks and feels like a zombie-like day.  Rainy, grey and moody with an overcast sky.  It also doesn't help that everything I'm looking at today is zombie related.

I also found this band on youtube a few months ago called Icon For Hire and I really enjoy their music.  Before clicking on one of their videos I was having an issue finding something new to listen to. 

Well that's about it. 


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Holy Fish Sticks

It's been way too long, yeah it's been way too long. Let's just say it's been a pretty busy year here. What with work and such, I haven't gotten around to posting anything new recently. Though, I sort of forgot about my blog XD. So what to post tonight. Ah, I have an idea on what to say now. So in the past few months, as stated above, I've been working and I recently started taking riding lessons again. It's something for me to do and it's western riding, which I'm finding to be more my style from english. It's kind of hard to concentrate on this post actually. I'm watching Wolverine and the X-men season 1, so I guess I'll just leave this as is. It was more of a 'I'm still alive' post to be honest. ~Leb~