Tuesday, March 12, 2013

*insert witty title here*

Before I truly begin, I'd like to mention that it is half an hour to midnight right now and I'm mentally and physically exhuasted at the moment.  Hell I'm still in my work clothes and I've been home since 8:30 pm....

Anyways not alot has been going on besides the usual working and heading to the barn whenever I have spare time.  I am off of work for hopefully only tomorrow, so I'm hoping to be able to go and ride Apollo and take my much wanted escape from reality for an hour or two. 

So last weekend, which I never blogged due to soreness and a lack of willingness to type even a paragraph here, I went on another trail ride on Saturday which was short, but still enjoyable.  Actually all of my trail rides with Apollo seemed to be the best hour to hour and a half of my entire life lately (not a bad thing).  But when we came back from the trail I wanted to ride a little longer so we went in the arena and let's just say we had a little disagreement on not being able to see the other horses he went out on the trail ride. 

I had the bit in his mouth because of the trail, but switched back to the hackamore which stopped a lot of the fighting, but he still wanted to be with his buddies from the trail instead of work. 

Sunday I stayed home and recovered from last week of work and the daylight savings thing. 

Monday went back and we went on a hour and a half trail ride.  At the beginning I thought I'd have to lunge him out in the arena before heading out because he was dancing almost the entire time I was tacking up, but once we left the barn yard and headed for the trail he settled right down.  It was decided that I'd put the hackamore on him for the trail and the barn owner would take along the headstall with the bit on her saddle incase he wouldn't listen to me out on the trail. 

I'm proud to say we didn't have to even think about headstall with the bit as he was perfect the entire time.  Be it I hit another tree with the opposite knee and cut my wrist on a thorn bush some how, but he was amazing. 

We all came back after an exceptionally long ride to find the barn owner's new barn cat greeting Apollo at the hitching post.  (Forgot to mention that the barn cat and Apollo seem to enjoy each other's company quite a bit -- as you can see in the picture below).

Well the barn owner suggested I put the cat up in the saddle and see how Apollo reacted to that since he was so comfy with the cat being near his face (and the fact that he was trying to pet the cat with his upper lip).  So I did...and this is the results....

And there you have it people!   I'm so proud of him, he never flinched or looked at what I was doing with the cat while I put him up in the saddle (which he usually does when I'm grooming him and saddling him; he just has to see what I've got).  That cat walked out of the saddle and sat on his rump before walking back into the saddle, laying down into the seat then walked up on his neck and jumped onto the hitch post; my boy barely flinched! :D
Well that's about it for now, I'm tired and have to be up early to get my hair finally cut off. 

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