Friday, March 29, 2013

Where's Spring?

Holy chow mien it's been quite a while!

But as always, I'm super busy and have barely been on the computer in weeks. 

So lately I've made some big purchases in my life, many of them horse equipment. 
I got a good deal on all of that and he looks snazzy in all his sexy black tack ;)
So anyways, mostly trail riding has been going on and lots of it.  I've also figured out Apollo's little quirks in the short eight weeks I've gotten to know him and own him.  For one he's a very smart boy, you can see him assess the situation before he reacts resulting in fewer spooks as the days go on.  Like just last week we went on a trail with two other horses and a turkey flew out of the brush, spooking the horse in front, but Apollo just looked at where the turkey was, didn't move for a few seconds, then relaxed. 
Another quirk I've figured out is that when he knows we're going out, and he really does know (he's found out that when there are other horses as we're all tacking up outside that he's going on the trail) he'll act up and dance in place, try to untie himself and just be a big butt until we're out in the woods and I get on; then he just mellows out and marches along. 
When we're coming back from the trail he slows down quite a bit and will hang his head really low and will flop his ears to the side because he doesn't want to go back to the barn.
There's a spot behind his right cheek bone where when you scratch it he stretches out and forgets he's not a lap dog and ends up sort of stepping on me as he pushes right into me.
He paws when he's impatient to do anything.
He doesn't like when I'm out of his sight when he knows I'm there.
He has a vendetta with tree branches.
When he spooks he drops like how cats do when you scare them.
He has this obsession with my coffee.
He won't let me hug him, but he will wrap his neck around my shoulders when I'm not facing him.
He follows me like a dog, no matter what I'm doing or carrying around (Lately I've been dragging large sticks around so they make loads of noise and he sticks right beside me).
Those are only a few of the quirks and behaviours I've picked up and I know with the years to come there will be more.
But that's all, there are a few movies I've been itching to watch, but haven't been able to due to work >.>

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