Saturday, March 30, 2013

Broken Promises, A Brand-New Tomorrow

I thought I'd start this post off with a silly picture of Apollo; he was scratching an itch when I took this picture.
Anyways, my dad came out today to see us, the first time in a year (sad isn't it?) and weeks ago he said he'd bring my oldest half brother because he was interested in horses and wanted to ride.  So I planned a day where I board and was all excited to get him up on the horse. 
I was so excited that I finally had a sibling into what I was into, even if he's 17 years younger than I am :|  But nonetheless, I excitedly told everyone and even went as far to announce my excitement on facebook (which rarely do I ever post status updates about coming events). 
Then the day came and something happened.
My dad decided he wasn't going to bring my brother and didn't give a reason why.  He complains we don't see our other brothers enough, but then pulls shit like this.  I was beyond pissed, this was another thing he said he'd do that he didn't do. 
Though, I blame myself for getting over excited about the whole thing.  I should have known my dad would do something like this.  Hell, he's done stuff like this before. 
Like at Christmas, I was supposed to go up to see him and my half siblings and exchange gifts.  Well something came up and I couldn't go up.  He even went as far to say they weren't even celebrating Christmas. 
Christmas day I go onto facebook and see a group of photos uploaded by him and guess what, it was him and his new family enjoying Christmas with her family.  It all summed up to the fact that they didn't have room for me to stay with them.  Let's just say last Christmas was the worst Christmas I'd ever had. 
So why should I be surprised that he didn't bring my half brother?  Maybe I thought he'd changed, maybe there was a tiny sliver of hope that he was going to be the father I used to remember eleven years ago. 
Now, back to the rest of my day. 
We went to the barn after eating lunch and only spent a few minutes because my dad wore white shoes to a barn with a muddy barn yard.... He's such a city slicker...
Then he brought me and my brother home and left...we spent maybe 2 1/2 hours with him?  He then proceeds to call me to say that he's 'sorry' for not spending so much time with us because of the long drive home.  Come on, I have a cousin who probably drives a longer distance than he does and they spend the day with us. 
So this summer, I guess we must go up to his place because he complains we never stay at his place, and I'm going to pull the same stunt.  We'll stay for an hour then say we have to head out because of the 'long drive' home.  Then we'll just go over to my aunt's and visit with them. 
And I know I sound spoilt and selfish, but when you have to live with broken promises and teeth pulling to get a single visit out of the man who helped conceive you, you get sort of sick of it. 
I was told I was a real daddy's girl when I was a kid...not anymore. 
So on a lighter note, I'm heading to the barn tomorrow afternoon with family from my mom's side, at least they won't disappoint me.  They never have without good reason. 

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