Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Return!

It has been quite a while since I last blogged here (as a certain someone has continued to remind me) so here I am with a very large update.

So, where did I leave off last time...oh yes, I was doing this weekly update that I failed to do XD.

Well Apollo has been moved to the other barn, but sadly we're heading back to the barn he came from since lately he's been giving me a hard time, and by hard time I mean I've been to the hospital twice after he's bucked me off.  This second time I was told I have soft tissue damage in my hip and I think I have whiplash in my neck when my head hit the ground.

But let's back up to the fact that I have a second horse now, yes I bought a second horse.  Her name is Rosie and I've been eyeballing this mare ever since I saw her.

She's a Dark Bay Quarter Horse mare and she turned eight the beginning of this month.  There were a couple reasons to my madness in purchasing her.  One: she looks exactly like my old mare Ara (Even though Ara was an Arabian mare) and she even acts like her.  Two:  because her jog is so lovely :3 <3 p="">

So back to Apollo, he's being trailered back tomorrow morning and we're going to figure out why he's been bucking when we're about to do the one activity he enjoys; trail riding/adventuring.  He had his wolf teeth removed so it can't be his mouth, his feed isn't the problem either...I'm speculating his saddle since he's filling out more in the back end then the front, but whatever it is I hope we figure it out.  Any other horse I'd probably have given up the first buck, but Apollo's different; I'm afraid to lose him.  I was actually bawling, not because I was hurting, but because I started to think that maybe he was too much for me to handle and that I would have to give him up.  But I've been told not to worry that we'd figure out what's going on.  From someone Else's perspective they said he doesn't hate me because anyone could tell loves me.  And I can see it, hell I went to the barn to just see him and before I had reached the barn door he was approaching the fence.  I went into the field with him and he waited til I reached him and when I gave him a hug he did his little sideways hug with his neck.  Then before I left (I went into the barn to get something and by that time he'd moved into the far part of the field) my mom told me to call his name, so I did and he looked up at me, but I didn't persist since I had to get going.  

Anyways, sob story behind me, here's an updated picture of the guy.

He's gotten his summer coat :D my lovely strawberry roan <3 p="">

Here he is with a nice shiny coat and well combed mane (courtesy of my mom)

So that is all for tonight, I took some painkillers and I'm about to pass out for the night, hopefully the next post isn't so far away.


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