1. Chocolate
2. Commons Likes
3. That you can handle me
4. That you're not already in a relationship cuz if you are then say goodbye
5. Having an interest in animals
6. Own some horses is a bonus
7. You'd treat Raven as if he was your own son that you helped concieve >.>
8. Be yourself! and If I don't like yourself then sorry but you tried :P
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 2
1. I'm Random
2. I tend to repeat myself
3. I tend to repeat myself
4. I love animals more than my own health
5. I want to be a groomer
6. I find love kinda pointless and haven't felt love towards anyone for a few years and probably will never love again
7. I hate guys that are obviously flirting with you and are in relationships
8. I write alot
9. I love music
2. I tend to repeat myself
3. I tend to repeat myself
4. I love animals more than my own health
5. I want to be a groomer
6. I find love kinda pointless and haven't felt love towards anyone for a few years and probably will never love again
7. I hate guys that are obviously flirting with you and are in relationships
8. I write alot
9. I love music
Day 1
I saw this and thought i'd try it out: It's Ten Days Meme
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot(in no order whatsoever).
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.
Day 1
Phil: Dude without you I'd probably still be the shy, unscared human being today instead of the insane sick minded freak you know.
Mom: You helped me a ton, and though I may be a right dick and pessimesstic bastard, I'm happy you pushed me til i fell off that cliff into the murky waters of society, but word to the wise...i can't swim.
Chocolate: You get me through my everyday life and make me glow inside when I eat you
Coffee: My savior and worshipped creation known to man, I love you every time I sip you since you make me love everyone else even at their worst
Bagelfuls: The best breakfast I've ever had
Raven: You my bubs will always be in my heart, I don't think a man will ever replace you in any way <3
Sybil: Stop jumping on my fucking face in the morning!
Bed: I fall into you ever night and feel that you too do not want me to leave you every morning <3
Bro: Stop running in the basement or i'll break your leg next time >.>
Phone: I know you hate me but we must live with each other for the next six-seven months...don't fuck with me...
There's day one, keep posted for the other days and don't forget to read my previous blog if you haven't done so yet.
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot(in no order whatsoever).
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.
Day 1
Phil: Dude without you I'd probably still be the shy, unscared human being today instead of the insane sick minded freak you know.
Mom: You helped me a ton, and though I may be a right dick and pessimesstic bastard, I'm happy you pushed me til i fell off that cliff into the murky waters of society, but word to the wise...i can't swim.
Chocolate: You get me through my everyday life and make me glow inside when I eat you
Coffee: My savior and worshipped creation known to man, I love you every time I sip you since you make me love everyone else even at their worst
Bagelfuls: The best breakfast I've ever had
Raven: You my bubs will always be in my heart, I don't think a man will ever replace you in any way <3
Sybil: Stop jumping on my fucking face in the morning!
Bed: I fall into you ever night and feel that you too do not want me to leave you every morning <3
Bro: Stop running in the basement or i'll break your leg next time >.>
Phone: I know you hate me but we must live with each other for the next six-seven months...don't fuck with me...
There's day one, keep posted for the other days and don't forget to read my previous blog if you haven't done so yet.
I Like To See You On A Big Yellow Bike
Alright ^ that didn't make any sense. But it must have caught your attention in some way or another.
Hmm something to talk about. POLITICS!
No....no....I will never go there! >.<
How about some new songs I've been listening to lately...
Now THAT'S more like it. :D
Alright lately I've been listening to some Framing Hanley and Skillet. But what was mostly getting me where the female artists such as Sirenia, Angelzoom, a song by EPICA and one by SIA. There's also Pucsifer-Rev 22:20. Note to Phil; go listen to the last song:P
Now the reason i've been listening to these artists is because I was and may still be working on a fairy based story. It's in the works and mostly on hiatus at the moment until I can collect my thoughts togethere before I rush into the story and find no where to turn half way through.
Mentionable Songs:
You Stupid Girl-Framing Hanley
The Older I Get-Skillet (amazing song to remind you about the good ol' days :D)
Break-Three Days Grace
My Love-SIA
Hey Baby (Drop it to the floor)-Pitbull
Rev 22:20-Pucsifer
The Other Side-Sirenia (omg its amazing; so much that it has me grasping for words)
Fairyland-Angelzoom (Another amazing song)
Start A Fire-Ryan Star
Anyways as for stories I'm close to finishing The Anchor, after a long run working on it. But lately I've made up another project that's going to me something very personal to me; no one will know what it is or ever see it basically.
So that is all, enjoy the rest of your week.
Hmm something to talk about. POLITICS!
No....no....I will never go there! >.<
How about some new songs I've been listening to lately...
Now THAT'S more like it. :D
Alright lately I've been listening to some Framing Hanley and Skillet. But what was mostly getting me where the female artists such as Sirenia, Angelzoom, a song by EPICA and one by SIA. There's also Pucsifer-Rev 22:20. Note to Phil; go listen to the last song:P
Now the reason i've been listening to these artists is because I was and may still be working on a fairy based story. It's in the works and mostly on hiatus at the moment until I can collect my thoughts togethere before I rush into the story and find no where to turn half way through.
Mentionable Songs:
You Stupid Girl-Framing Hanley
The Older I Get-Skillet (amazing song to remind you about the good ol' days :D)
Break-Three Days Grace
My Love-SIA
Hey Baby (Drop it to the floor)-Pitbull
Rev 22:20-Pucsifer
The Other Side-Sirenia (omg its amazing; so much that it has me grasping for words)
Fairyland-Angelzoom (Another amazing song)
Start A Fire-Ryan Star
Anyways as for stories I'm close to finishing The Anchor, after a long run working on it. But lately I've made up another project that's going to me something very personal to me; no one will know what it is or ever see it basically.
So that is all, enjoy the rest of your week.
Monday, February 21, 2011
In Response to Phil's Blog
Thank you! :D I thought you forgot all about it and it made me cry :(...
But yeah I would have put this there but your blog doesn't have the comment box showing for it>.>....either its not working or it doesn't love me...
Anyways I'ma go and breath some taco dust and maybe play a game iunno:P
But yeah I would have put this there but your blog doesn't have the comment box showing for it>.>....either its not working or it doesn't love me...
Anyways I'ma go and breath some taco dust and maybe play a game iunno:P
Friday, February 18, 2011
Those Demotivationals
I was sitting in my Living with the Undead course this morning with my laptop when I decided to make one of those demotivational poster type things. Anyways I made two but i'm going to show you one since I think I want to fix up the other one just a bit.

So as i sip my beautiful cappiccuno and eat my chicken flavoured noodles by selection I say good morning and have a great family day weekend. By the way that is Raven when he was a puppy.

So as i sip my beautiful cappiccuno and eat my chicken flavoured noodles by selection I say good morning and have a great family day weekend. By the way that is Raven when he was a puppy.
Monday, February 14, 2011
From Where You Are
As I sit here contemplating about life, having just previously nommed a peice of home made italian salami and listening to lifehouse, i've realized that i kinda miss the good old days. And I don't just mean high school days, i'm talking way back into elementary school days. The days where swings were the shit, where the teachers were mean for forcing us to go out into the shit cold weather of our northern world and where those yearly presentations were the worst things imaginable if you were a shy freak like I was.
Let's all start back in grade five where I met a friend for life, Philly. We may not hang out like we use to but I'll always remember that you were the nicer one of the group of girls at our school. I actually had a good year of school for once and wasn't worried about going to school anymore. Back then I'll admit I didn't think far into the future but now it's been at least nine years and I still have Phil as a friend, actually one of the longest times i've kept a friend from all the constant moving before.
Now let's fast forward to eighth grade :D. Yeah i loved Grade eight because it just marked the closing date of when we'd get to leave our catholic school and get to go to a public school. Ahhh good times :). I think that was also the year I had my hair cut too short and it was way before I had a nice straightener and all the sprays and such for my hair:P. Phil will remember the mushroom...wasn't it also called the deoderant head when I kept that hat on all the time?
In grade nine i remember how I started to dye my hair once it grew back, that is. The first time I actually coloured it was when I had bleach blonde bangs and dark brown for the rest. That lasted til i think grade ten.
Now for Grade ten, the year i wished I could have taken back so badly. It was actually going into grade ten that I went out with my first boyfriend. Being fifteen I thought the idea of a boyfriend was cool and said yes. That lasted for a year until the summer going into grade eleven. I was heartbroken but after a month of solitary confinement and phil coming over I got over it the best I could that I actually went out and hung out with people before the summer was officially over. That was also the year I lost my horse.
I remember during that summer and into grade eleven my excessive hair dying. I think I went from red bangs, to orange bangs, to black and red hair. I kinda went crazy. I also remember trying to start a band with Phil which didn't really go anywhere and now i have a folder of band name logos we'd done in class and lyrics finished but never sung. That was the year I got into music and got a guitar.
In our final year I screwed up for college and ended up moving to my dad's for a few months until I realized i wasn't ready to leave home just yet and ended up going back to school for a few semesters til this January when I was accepted into Animal Care. By now I stopped going nuts with the hair dye. I did dye it dark brown and red for prom then decided to just go dark brown before heading for college.
Now I'm sitting in my rez room staring out at the now dark, but once i turn the lights out it'll be polluted with light from outside. At the moment I can see the lights twinkling from yonder houses out in the distance. I'm miles from home, but i'm doing what I love and that's working towards having a career with animals. It may not be a big vet job like I'd hoped but I want to groom dogs now.
And this is just a little spill about brought on by Lifehouse-From Where You Are. I know it's not about what I'm saying but it reminded me of the past and how much i really miss those little moments with friends that I may never have again. Moments with friends I most likely don't talk to anymore. And how i really do cherish those friends that stuck around for so long no matter how annoying and freakish I am.
I just want to say thank you :)
Let's all start back in grade five where I met a friend for life, Philly. We may not hang out like we use to but I'll always remember that you were the nicer one of the group of girls at our school. I actually had a good year of school for once and wasn't worried about going to school anymore. Back then I'll admit I didn't think far into the future but now it's been at least nine years and I still have Phil as a friend, actually one of the longest times i've kept a friend from all the constant moving before.
Now let's fast forward to eighth grade :D. Yeah i loved Grade eight because it just marked the closing date of when we'd get to leave our catholic school and get to go to a public school. Ahhh good times :). I think that was also the year I had my hair cut too short and it was way before I had a nice straightener and all the sprays and such for my hair:P. Phil will remember the mushroom...wasn't it also called the deoderant head when I kept that hat on all the time?
In grade nine i remember how I started to dye my hair once it grew back, that is. The first time I actually coloured it was when I had bleach blonde bangs and dark brown for the rest. That lasted til i think grade ten.
Now for Grade ten, the year i wished I could have taken back so badly. It was actually going into grade ten that I went out with my first boyfriend. Being fifteen I thought the idea of a boyfriend was cool and said yes. That lasted for a year until the summer going into grade eleven. I was heartbroken but after a month of solitary confinement and phil coming over I got over it the best I could that I actually went out and hung out with people before the summer was officially over. That was also the year I lost my horse.
I remember during that summer and into grade eleven my excessive hair dying. I think I went from red bangs, to orange bangs, to black and red hair. I kinda went crazy. I also remember trying to start a band with Phil which didn't really go anywhere and now i have a folder of band name logos we'd done in class and lyrics finished but never sung. That was the year I got into music and got a guitar.
In our final year I screwed up for college and ended up moving to my dad's for a few months until I realized i wasn't ready to leave home just yet and ended up going back to school for a few semesters til this January when I was accepted into Animal Care. By now I stopped going nuts with the hair dye. I did dye it dark brown and red for prom then decided to just go dark brown before heading for college.
Now I'm sitting in my rez room staring out at the now dark, but once i turn the lights out it'll be polluted with light from outside. At the moment I can see the lights twinkling from yonder houses out in the distance. I'm miles from home, but i'm doing what I love and that's working towards having a career with animals. It may not be a big vet job like I'd hoped but I want to groom dogs now.
And this is just a little spill about brought on by Lifehouse-From Where You Are. I know it's not about what I'm saying but it reminded me of the past and how much i really miss those little moments with friends that I may never have again. Moments with friends I most likely don't talk to anymore. And how i really do cherish those friends that stuck around for so long no matter how annoying and freakish I am.
I just want to say thank you :)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I'm a Semi-Nun
So every 14th of february i will be a nun. It will commemorate the fact that i'll always be single for the rest of my cat loving life.
That is all, have a good V day, i know i won't.
That is all, have a good V day, i know i won't.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
You know those delictable chocolatey goodness that melts in your mouth and causes fireworks in your belly? If not go buy a fucking bag of Fudgee-o's bitch>.>
Anyways I am here to tell you all about the amazing discovery I've come to find. It's called fudgee-o's dipped in peanut butter.
Guys it's like sex in your mouth. Picture this, you're tongue brain fucking your teeth while your throat has a chocogasm...Come on! It's freaking amazing...well if you don't have a peanut allergy that is.
If you do I'd advice you never to set foot a fudgee-o, or any other food goodness, near a nut of the peanut or all around nut variety. Thank you.
And now that I just made myself hungry, i will go and devour fudgee-o's in peanut butter. And not just any peanut butter, it's the whipped variety ;)
Anyways I am here to tell you all about the amazing discovery I've come to find. It's called fudgee-o's dipped in peanut butter.
Guys it's like sex in your mouth. Picture this, you're tongue brain fucking your teeth while your throat has a chocogasm...Come on! It's freaking amazing...well if you don't have a peanut allergy that is.
If you do I'd advice you never to set foot a fudgee-o, or any other food goodness, near a nut of the peanut or all around nut variety. Thank you.
And now that I just made myself hungry, i will go and devour fudgee-o's in peanut butter. And not just any peanut butter, it's the whipped variety ;)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Where'd You Go?
Two and a half years later i'm still crying. I never cried then but now i feel like crap. It feels like there's a hole in my chest that won't fill. I'm alone here, no one to talk to, no one who'll care. I'm crying over something I can't fix. It's over, it's done with, no ones going to come down and bring you back to me. You're probably happier without me. Happier where you are now.
I just want you to know, even though you're miles away, i miss you. I know you can't talk, you can't use human speech, you can't do sign language or write letters. You're a horse not a human.
It's true, you never know what you have til it's gone. I've become quite a pro at this feeling. I've never had any luck with keeping people or animals around and i'll probably die alone. Everyone I've known will have left and I'll be left with nothing, no one. I need to accept this, let it be what it's gotta be.
I just wish that maybe you'd come back home, I miss you, I need you. Just come back please.
I just want you to know, even though you're miles away, i miss you. I know you can't talk, you can't use human speech, you can't do sign language or write letters. You're a horse not a human.
It's true, you never know what you have til it's gone. I've become quite a pro at this feeling. I've never had any luck with keeping people or animals around and i'll probably die alone. Everyone I've known will have left and I'll be left with nothing, no one. I need to accept this, let it be what it's gotta be.
I just wish that maybe you'd come back home, I miss you, I need you. Just come back please.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Close to It
It's almost been a month since my mom dropped me off at college; almost a month since starting Animal Care. You know living alone does have it's perks, but at the same time some things just irk me >.<.
One thing I can tell ya is that I've basically lived off rice, noodles, KD, balogna bagel sandwhichs (Which are amazing with old cheese), and soup. But when i go to either my aunt's or dad's i do get nice food and I appreciated it a hell of a lot more than i ever did before. Hey when you don't get a home cooked meal every day besides the days you can go somewhere, you'd appreciate it too:P
But I have learned something, friends are an asset when it comes to living away from home, from your friends and from your family. I spent at least two weeks wandering the school alone, not talking much to anyone and just letting my day drift by slowly. Quite boring and I think I had some cabin fever from locking myself in my room all day. So I got out there, made some friends and now i'm not so lonely or bored. Days also fly by much quicker when i'm not locked away on my laptop with nothing really to do but play online pool against a computer.
I do miss my dog, Raven, haven't seen him in person for weeks; thank god for Skype.
On another note my lip is freaking killing me. It's been almost two weeks and it's healing just the process is a bitch. It's not as gunky as it was a few days ago and the redness is going away.
Well that's all, aside from playing Runescape for a few minutes (I miss World of Warcraft T.T)
One thing I can tell ya is that I've basically lived off rice, noodles, KD, balogna bagel sandwhichs (Which are amazing with old cheese), and soup. But when i go to either my aunt's or dad's i do get nice food and I appreciated it a hell of a lot more than i ever did before. Hey when you don't get a home cooked meal every day besides the days you can go somewhere, you'd appreciate it too:P
But I have learned something, friends are an asset when it comes to living away from home, from your friends and from your family. I spent at least two weeks wandering the school alone, not talking much to anyone and just letting my day drift by slowly. Quite boring and I think I had some cabin fever from locking myself in my room all day. So I got out there, made some friends and now i'm not so lonely or bored. Days also fly by much quicker when i'm not locked away on my laptop with nothing really to do but play online pool against a computer.
I do miss my dog, Raven, haven't seen him in person for weeks; thank god for Skype.
On another note my lip is freaking killing me. It's been almost two weeks and it's healing just the process is a bitch. It's not as gunky as it was a few days ago and the redness is going away.
Well that's all, aside from playing Runescape for a few minutes (I miss World of Warcraft T.T)
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