Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to school


alright now that that's out of my system I'm just blogging to tell you all that I'm back in school again and thank god there are people I know still there. Yes I'm returning to school for a year five. It was either that or work full time...actually i don't think there was even an option.

But this morning was quite interesting. For one my dog decided to wake me up at 6 am instead of when my alarm was to go off at 6:25 am. He started barking and when I finally got him to shut up I couldn't get back to sleep. So that's how I started my day.

Then I spent the day making sure my brother wasn't lost in the throng of people blocking up the damn halls. I even had to tell a bunch of people to move it from my brother's locker. Yes Phil I actually nudged into a kid and told them to move it:P be proud phil, be proud.

Anyways apparently we're allowed cell phones in the halls now, just not in class. Of course they'd do this when my graduating class left. They always did stuff like this after I left the school. But I'm back >:D fail I say FAIL!.

Well that's all for tonight, cya!


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