Monday, September 27, 2010

Mr. Immature

Get out, no, no get out....gtfo.

Just kidding get back here you loveable little teddy bears :D I love you guys! What would I do without you reading my posts? Eh Philly? ;).

Anyways in four days I'll be having my very first experience....going to a concert! Yep I got invited to go with someone to a Hedley concert and it's this friday. Should be freakin' sweet since I like the band. hard to find friends that like them>.> COUGHphilCOUGH, but I can deal:P.

Yesterday Heartland returned with the most amazing season four episode ever, Ty is back and he brought along a little friend of his who was a girl! She says she has a boyfriend but you never see the guy the whole episode, but no fears he exists and Ty is still with Amy. Sigh i love Heartland.

Well that's about it for today, half an hour left before going home; stupid spare.


Sunday, September 26, 2010


Here I am sitting on my bed, ten DVDs scattered around me from my less than exciting movie watching of X men, Inuyasha and Rave Master. Yes I'm an anime nerd:P. Anyways today's topic is colleges. I've applied to two colleges this year and I decided to look into another college to see if it also has the program I'm looking for. So far no such luck. But really why can't more colleges have animal programs. They all have the other programs that people love but for the animal savvy people it's a pain in the ass just to find a college close enough with Animal Car, Vet Tech, Vet Assistant, or any other. Like there's only one campus in Ontario that has an Equine program.

But I can't go to that program since it's to far away and I don't have the expenses to live there since I don't think they have rez. So there's my little shpeel for the day.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Wildlife Park 2

Finally, after a painful day of searching the web for a site I could buy it off of safely and of course a whole painful day of downloading the first game Wildlife Park 2 I've finally begun installing it. Now all I have to do is download the other product I bought, Wildlife Park 2: Horses; basically an addon to the game. So yeah, i've been here all day trying to download the games. And yes I bought them, i didn't steal them.

But yea just thought I'd bring that us here, tell you how my boring day went:P Well besides going to coop which was awesome! :D


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Ugh i'm so sick, bleh. I've had this cold since Saturday and it won't go away! T.T

So what's up muchachos? Well its my third week back at school and well ya as I said before I have a cold. But I start my placement tomorrow so I hope my cold is gone by then seeing as I've been medicating my throat with Halls and any other Vitamin C induced cough drop along with hot food and well as much sleep as I can possible get around here.

You know a week ago I would be saying I want to drop out and just wait for the letters to come then take it from there but you know. It's the third week and I seem better; more relaxed. I'm finding a new group of friends to hang out with all the time and basically I'm becoming more dependant than I was before.

So i don't think there is alot going on since I haven't been here for a long time but I thought maybe speak a little to the tiny (and when I mean tiny i mean one person) group that reads this. So thank you Phil for being my only Loyal Fan :D.

Anyways I'm thinking of if I should make another Vlog on Youtube. But I don't get many comments, if any at all. And I even talked about Twilight, at least I could have gotten some Hard Core Twifan bitching me out or agreeing with me, I'd go with the first bit since I don't think I said really great things about Twilight. Am I that bad? T.T

So, until later when someone worth while happens.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rockstars and Spares

Today was as ordinary as it could ever be. I woke up at 6:30 am, hit the snooze button and went back to sleep. Woke up at 7:00 am, got up. I took Rave out for his morning break and then got ready for school starting with my straightner being turned to the maximum and me running around the house trying to find a pair of clean pants. Once they were found I flipped my radio on, nothing good was on in the morning so i grabbed my phone and blarred the small selection of music I have on it. Straightened my curly hair, applied fresh liner and checked my hair over with the straightner before getting dressed and flipping the lights off.
I got to school via bus and started the day off in my coop class. I basically wasted two hours and seventy-five minutes doing absolutely nothing; mostly waiting for an interview. I doodled a bit, began a new story, slept a bit. Then the bell rang.
I had lunch, hung out with friends, the usual for a lunch hour. When lunch ended I headed up to my last class; Art.
Now in art I worked on my graphic design logo thingy, then doodled my graphic design for my portfolio before staring at the clock for half an hour. NOthing really to do or wanted to do. For fifteen minutes of that half hour I took the black pen that my teacher let me borrow and traced my final draft for my portoflio; looks cool by the way.
After Art I called home to get a pick up since I had a spare and was completely bored; nothing new there people. Got picked up went shopping and bought two Rockstar energy drinks. I began drinking on at 2:30 pm then picked up brother a few minutes later. Continued drinking the beverage while eating melon on the way home.
When I was home I finished my drink at 3:40 pm and was hyper so i made a vlog. Going to drink the other drink sometime later one.
Then for the rest of the night up until now i've been surfing the web, talking to people and playing online and pc games.

So there you have it, a day in the life of Exxy.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Boring Day

Well I haven't had much to blog about lately. Who knew school would be so boring? Well I got my Vlogs up and running again with two new ones last night, I have another long one ready to go but I just haven't gotten around to putting it up on YOutube. So look out for that boring filled video.

Anyways I have a mega headache that's dull enough not to make me scream yet intense enough to annoy me.


Saturday, September 11, 2010


Well everyone ol' clunker has officially been retired. That's right, I've got a laptop now. So clunker's going to have anything I want taken off of him and put onto my new computer. And as a strong, hardcore WoWer I am, the first thing I did was start installing WoW on my new beauty. And the first question I asked the guy at the store was if WoW could be played on it.

Anyways just thought I should make some type of update for ya people.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to school


alright now that that's out of my system I'm just blogging to tell you all that I'm back in school again and thank god there are people I know still there. Yes I'm returning to school for a year five. It was either that or work full time...actually i don't think there was even an option.

But this morning was quite interesting. For one my dog decided to wake me up at 6 am instead of when my alarm was to go off at 6:25 am. He started barking and when I finally got him to shut up I couldn't get back to sleep. So that's how I started my day.

Then I spent the day making sure my brother wasn't lost in the throng of people blocking up the damn halls. I even had to tell a bunch of people to move it from my brother's locker. Yes Phil I actually nudged into a kid and told them to move it:P be proud phil, be proud.

Anyways apparently we're allowed cell phones in the halls now, just not in class. Of course they'd do this when my graduating class left. They always did stuff like this after I left the school. But I'm back >:D fail I say FAIL!.

Well that's all for tonight, cya!


Friday, September 3, 2010

If its love

I want ten kids now :(. Lol nah just kidding around. I got that from the song If Its Love by Train. Yep I found Train again. I remember when i listened to that one song I can't remember....something about Jupiter and rain drops...iunno it's long gone. Anyways it's been awhile since I've posted here and I still haven't decided if I should quiet that lovely online game that costs so much effing money. But I'll decide when I find out if I can ride. For now, though, my account will be frozen until I can figure out what I'm going to do.

Most of my rooms back to normal now with a few adds and subtractions.

A few days ago I went into the school and realized that I'll be fine going back again. I forgot how many from our grade actually stayed an extra year.

Anyways Exxy's gonna go do something productive outside before it decides to pour shit down by the buckets.
