Monday, July 12, 2010

Do You Believe....

That it's been so long since I've posted? Wow, but i have been busy. I've handed in applications for two places and i'm about to apply to Walmart and then check Mcdonalds to apply there. So yeah still job hunting.

I got out of the house today, went and hung out for an hour and a half with a friend of mine. It was fun, I had a good time. We basically talked about anything that came to mind but I was freakin' nervous. I feel like I barely know him, it's been years since we actually hung out, i'm not including the walmart visits, and I didn't know what to say.

Oh and about my title, it's a song by Still Standing that I've been listening to. It's called...Do You Believe. Yes, and i'm listening to it right now as I update my blog site.

So as I replay the song and sit here I contemplate how i've just lost the game:P.


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