Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I've been sitting here thinking about stuff and I'm thinking I will go on a hiatus. I don't know how long its going to be for, or if i'll even be coming back. I will be deleting my other blogs though.

I just want to mention a few things here.

First, I'm sorry to whomever I've hurt this summer and I understand if you hate me now. But I just, well, I don't know; I guess it's too late anyways; the damage is done...

Next, I've been living with my Aunt for almost a week now and I think I like it here. So I don't ever plan on moving back home, but i'll visit once in a while.

Lastly, I'll say goodbye. And again i'll say sorry.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Long Couple Days

It has started tonight, Juno has gone into heat again.

Now before you all go and start judging I also put in that she's scheduled for her spay September 14th and that day can not come soon enough. I would have had her fixed last week but they're all booked up and the soonest appointment was september 14th. So for another two weeks i'm stuck with Juno's constant cries.

Poor girls rubbing up against everything.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Finally A Look At The New Member

Here's the third member, Nyx. Finally I got a hold of my aunt's camera (Thank you! :D) and took some pics of Nyx, my Betta boy. This is my favourite shot of him.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another One of These

What would you do if a blind guy/girl started hitting on you?
Slowly walk away :| lol nah just kidding I’d go along with it :P

Single or Taken?
Single and staying that way

Ever been in a fight?
Lots, which do you want to hear about?

If so with who and did you win? And did you use your fists or a weapon?
Ohhh that type of fight…nevermind never been in a fight >.>

Do you get in trouble for things you didn't do?
I usually do them so no

What would you do if you found out your bestfriend were gay?
Treat them the same way I treated them before I knew.

Would you still hang out with them or ditch them and stop talking to them completely?
I’d still hang out with them

If you could speak 3 different languages, what would they be?
Italian, Japanese and German

What would you rather have been named? Or do you like your name?
I wish my name was really Squeezy B Jones D:

Country you've most wanted to visit?

Would you hit your friend if you found out that he/she were going with your bf/gf?
I’d do something better; ignore both of them entirely

You and your friends are bored? What do you do?

Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive?

Are you addicted to anything?

What songs stuck in your head?
Tangled-I See The Light

Are you sporty or just pure lazy?
I’d say I fluctuated from time to time

When was the last time you went to a party?

Was it any good?

What is the point of life?
To live like you were dying

Do you hate Twilight as much as I do?
I really don’t give a shit, to each their own

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Juno, but she’s not a person.

Ever had a prank go wrong?

Ever tried to outrun a bus?
Now why would I try to do that? :S

If you were to jump out of your bedroom window right now, would you get badly injured?
Back at my mom’s no because I’d have to crawl out of my window to get out and then I’d be on the ground, here I don’t have a real room yet but if I jumped out the window I’d probably die :P

What's the stupidest thing you've done?
Ummmm, probably a lot of things

Do you wanna try sky diving? I know I do?
NO 

Ever smart mouthed at a cop?

Ever been held in jail for a night?

If so what could you have possibly done?

Wanna try bungee jumping?
As much as I want to sky dive

One word to descibe yourself?

To describe your friends?

What do you think is at the bottom of the rainbow?
A pink unicorn riding a purple elephant while he eats peanuts and talks to a mouse

Would you save a child if it meant possibly being killed yourself?
Well…no comment

What do you have planned for the weekend?

Would you talk to a stranger on the internet?
Yeah, but they usually last five minutes before they creep me out and I close the chat box.

What's on your mind right now?
I need a job

You wake up as the opposite sex, what's the first thing you do?
Take a shower :P

When you look in a mirror just after waking up, what thought runs through your head?
Holy puff ball

Are you hungry? I know I am?

Turn around, what do you see?
A wall

Can you lick your elbow?

Ever been attacked by a dog?
If I was attacked by one I wouldn’t have one or focus a career on dog grooming

What do you think of weddings?
Fun to watch, never happening to me

If you could make anyone disappear, who would it be?

Do you have an interesting scar?

If so, how'd you get it?

Ever dated someone you didn't find attractive in the least?

Have you ever had a 'kick me' sign stuck to your back and didn't know?

Did you ever begged your parents for a pony when you were little?
Lol yes, but it was a black horse, not a pony XD

Something you regret?
Not studying hard enough in high school

Last concert you went to?

Who is the last person that made you cry?
Can’t say

Do you actually believe that Alaska is covered in snow?
Not really

Type your name, only using your elbow!

Are you purposely irratating?
I try :D

If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Probably not

Ever lost anything down the toilet?

What comes to mind when I say 'CABBAGE'?
Patch kids :D

If you were walking down a street and somebody sprayed you with water, what would you do?
Oh you don’t want to do that, you won’t like me when I’m angry *Turns green*

Have you had any broken bones?

Do you know all the words to your National Anthem?

Ever crawled through somebody elses window?
Yeah XD when I was maybe six or seven and it was to get into my neighbors house so I could unlock their door for them

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

Do you find Russell Brand funny or irratating? Or both?
Who now?

Have you ever sat down in a chair but fell to the floor, only to find that someone pulled out your chair on purpose?

Do things like that still amuse you when they happen to other people?

Did you know that twinkle twinkle little star and the alphabet have the same rhyme?

Did you just sing them to make sure?

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever licked?
A pebble

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
I think

In your opinion, what is the best lollipop flavour?
Tootsie Pop chocolate

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
About an hour, two if I’m just getting up

Would you rather be able to fly for a day or be invisible for a day?

When’ s the last time you showered?
An hour ago :D

If you didnt shower for 3 days do you think you would smell?

Do you sleep in a single or double bed?
Couch at the moment but I think a double at my mom’s

Who’s car were you last in that wasn’t family?
Um I think a friend of mine

Are they a good driver in your opinion?

Would you rather have a pet Ostrich or a pet Sheep?
Ostrich, sheep or evil

Do fish make good pets?

What colour is you hair?
Light brown

Is that your natural hair colour?

Do you have any weird phobias?
Of large crowds

Do you have a crush on anyone?

Are you a happy person?

Do you sing like no-one is watching/listening?
Yesh…when no one is watching or listening

Do you swear often?

What do you think of your friends?
They’re the best :)


Moved In

It's half an hour to eleven at night and I'm just sitting here listening to some slow stuff and working on some stuff. I've finally moved in with my aunt and tomorrow we're going out to do some shopping. Juno's off somewhere in the apartment going nuts since she couldn't do so with the dogs bugging her all the time. Nyx is on the coffee table doing his thing.
I like it better here since its only about half an hour away from my mom's so I can see her and Raven whenever I want really.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Final Move, For A Long While

It's been two weeks since I came home and finished my feild placement. Now i'm taking some time to hang out with people before I leave for my aunt's to find work. I'm pretty excited actually, this town i'm in now is sort of boring. Also its not the town I came to love those long eleven years ago. It's not the same.

As you can see I hate change.

I can't wait to move soon, start a new life. Start fresh. Just me, Juno, and Nyx; Don't worry Raven will be with me again soon. But I'm moving into an apartment and no dogs allowed so I'm stuck with my fish and cat.

Well Juno's a whopping 5.8 pounds now from the 2.5 pounds she was when i brought her home. She's turned 5 months today and in a few more weeks she's going to get spayed so we don't have to listen to her constant meowing and rubbing against Raven. I seriously think she thinks Raven is a tomcat.

Lately I've been on a huge Pocohantas and Beauty and the Beast kick; a classic disney kick all in all. I can't wait to finally hook up the good old VCR and pop in an ancient VHS and watch like they did before DVDs came to light.

One last thing, I went out and bought Pokemon Black, White and Soulsilver to add to my pokemon game collection; well black and soulsilver, I bought white for my bro who's taking an interest in the games again (Hopefully).

AAAAnnnnd that is all I guess, nothing really inspiring happened; just thought I'd put something down since I have nothing better to do with my life...besides playing pokemon and trying to collect all of them before the creators of Pokemon decide to make another game and create even more pokemon :|...I'm gonna be one busy girl for a while...


Saturday, August 6, 2011


Well, went out today and bought a red male betta with a VT named Nyx. At first I was going to name him Miasma if I could find a purple coloured one, but they only had a faded looking blue, faded looking red and a red. So the whole way home I debated on still going with Miasma or using something else like Angel. Finally came to a conclusion of Phoenix, but it seemed to long so now it's just Nyx.
My little boy is just waiting for his tank water to be ready before I put him into it. Can't wait to share 2 to 4 years with this little guy, :D

I'll post pictures of him later once he's in his new tank.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August Blues

Its the third day of August, which leaves two more days school. In two days everything I've come to recognize will be gone, leaving only good memories behind. If you asked me a few weeks ago if I'd miss all of this I'd say hell no! But now, with time slowly descending upon me, I'm going to miss everything here. I'm going to miss all the poeple I've met and grew to know since starting. i'm going to miss going to the Animal Centre to see the cats every morning. I'm going to sadly miss Subways.

This has all become so normal to me that going back seems like a step in the wrong direction. Will I ever speak to anyone I met here again? I want to stay in contact with as many people as possible, but I'm afraid that if I bring it up they won't want to. I'm afraid of what I don't know in a sense.

But I made myself laugh a minute ago. I thought about the final days we had in the program and then suddenly i remembered my first day of high school. I had gotten lost trying to find the science room and, all freaked out and grade ninish, I went up to a teacher and asked timidly for directions. And what makes me laugh is that in such a short period of time I went from a timid little shy kid into the girl who is living on her own and going to school every day in an unfamiliar place without anyone I know at an arms length away.

I was kind of timid when I started college too, though, when I wouldn't leave my room unless it was to head to class. Where I'd write everything in a journal to keep me sane and wishing I could go home. Now I don't really know if I want to go home permanently lol.

So, even though I have August Blues for a bit, I know that I won't forget anyone I've met here at school. Though my college experience was a brief experience, it was an amazing experience.
