Well it is half way through the month of December and would you think we'd have snow by now? Nope, i'm hearing that it's going to be a green Christmas this year. I'm not really complaining because i'm not one for the blinding white and frigid temperatures; though I could use with a little less rain.
Anyways, I haven't done much this month, as you can see with the limited posting this month, but things have happened; things I don't think you need to know. But I got all my Christmas shopping done, just need to wrap it up.
So I guess that's it for tonight, should get a bit of sleep for tomorrow so I'm not cranky when I need to get up.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! (if you don't hear from me by then ;) )
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The Ultimate Battle December 2011
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Thursday, November 24, 2011
November's Wrap Up
Well it's been a very long and stress-filled month. I haven't gotten around to posting alot up here but stuff has happened.
Firstly let's bring up the three new fish I got who are still alive, Cloverfeild and Nox my Black Moor and Taisce my albino catfish. Nox and Taisce actually have meaning behind their names as such that Nox means black or dark and Taisce means treasure. Cloverfeild just popped into my head, probably cuz the eyes reminded me of the cloverfeild monster.
Next I had blogged about the passing of the last horse I'd ever owned. Ara was put down earlier this year due to her back paining her. I had to give her away along with Brie, another horse we'd kept as Ara's companion, and I hadn't seen either of them since then. I had wanted to see them multiple times but things got in the way and now I regret never going to see Ara one last time. But no one can live forever, as my blog title said, and that everything has an expiry date; we just don't know when each of ours is. Ara was also the last horse alive that I had first learned how to ride on. She was one of the handful of equine teachers I had back in the day and also the first horse I fell off of. I remember clearly how afraid of her I was after that and how afraid I was of riding again. I was then moved onto Brie then laster a mare named Tempest who has long passed. When Ara came to live with us I was unwilling to ride her, but soon I broke through my fears and began to ride her; slowly building up to the point when I fell off of her. The year before she had to go, I had conquered my fears of riding her; and for that I was glad. So now to commemorate her I have her stall name plate stuck onto my wall. She lived to 31 years old, which is old for a horse, so i'm not sad she is gone, but glad she had such a long life.
Next something a little lighter, my bro pre-ordered Saints Row: The Third and since then that's all I've been playing; aside from Assassin's Creed. I also got my hair done, it's my normal dark brown with green streaks through it; time to scare the relatives this family christmas :D.
This month I began to question how Carl and I had been friends for so long; 9 years and still going in fact. Then I realized it was because we're the same, yet we're so different. She's a random Blood on the Dancefloor loving nut and i'm the mellow Blood on the Dancefloor loving nut...if that makes any sense to you; because it sure does to me.
And finally, before this blog grows too long, I cleaned up my room, you can actually see the floor :D. And I have a new song to add to my favourites, and if you're interested it's called Angel of Death by The Barker Band. Amazing song.
Firstly let's bring up the three new fish I got who are still alive, Cloverfeild and Nox my Black Moor and Taisce my albino catfish. Nox and Taisce actually have meaning behind their names as such that Nox means black or dark and Taisce means treasure. Cloverfeild just popped into my head, probably cuz the eyes reminded me of the cloverfeild monster.
Next I had blogged about the passing of the last horse I'd ever owned. Ara was put down earlier this year due to her back paining her. I had to give her away along with Brie, another horse we'd kept as Ara's companion, and I hadn't seen either of them since then. I had wanted to see them multiple times but things got in the way and now I regret never going to see Ara one last time. But no one can live forever, as my blog title said, and that everything has an expiry date; we just don't know when each of ours is. Ara was also the last horse alive that I had first learned how to ride on. She was one of the handful of equine teachers I had back in the day and also the first horse I fell off of. I remember clearly how afraid of her I was after that and how afraid I was of riding again. I was then moved onto Brie then laster a mare named Tempest who has long passed. When Ara came to live with us I was unwilling to ride her, but soon I broke through my fears and began to ride her; slowly building up to the point when I fell off of her. The year before she had to go, I had conquered my fears of riding her; and for that I was glad. So now to commemorate her I have her stall name plate stuck onto my wall. She lived to 31 years old, which is old for a horse, so i'm not sad she is gone, but glad she had such a long life.
Next something a little lighter, my bro pre-ordered Saints Row: The Third and since then that's all I've been playing; aside from Assassin's Creed. I also got my hair done, it's my normal dark brown with green streaks through it; time to scare the relatives this family christmas :D.
This month I began to question how Carl and I had been friends for so long; 9 years and still going in fact. Then I realized it was because we're the same, yet we're so different. She's a random Blood on the Dancefloor loving nut and i'm the mellow Blood on the Dancefloor loving nut...if that makes any sense to you; because it sure does to me.
And finally, before this blog grows too long, I cleaned up my room, you can actually see the floor :D. And I have a new song to add to my favourites, and if you're interested it's called Angel of Death by The Barker Band. Amazing song.
Monday, November 21, 2011
This blog kinda has something to do with Carl, but it's not bad :P
Anyways I'm sitting here in my room at 1:30 in the morning thinking about things I never thought I'd find myself thinking about now.
It's mostly remenesence of the past 9 years that some how changed my life. *insert flashback music here*
I remember back in grade 2-4 of how I tried to make friends, and everytime I finally did make a friend it wouldn't be too long before they decided they didn't want to be friends anymroe or some how I pissed them off and they ditched me. I felt like I was always alone and would never make a long time friend; heck I didn't even know long term friends existed seeing as the longest I had a friend was a year.
Then I moved from that dark part of my childhood to where I am now in grade 5. There I met a few people who were friends for a short amount of time again, but then there was Carl. And at first I didn't think it would last; that in a year we wouldn't be friends anymore and I would go on about my lonely existance once again. Then sure enough next year she had to move away and I felt alone once more. I spent my days just sitting alone doing nothing wishing she hadn't moved away.
But, as if by some cosmic fate, Carl came back before the end of grade 6. I won't admit this to her face but I was glad she came back >.>
And so the years ticked by as grade 7 and 8 rolled on by and finally grade 9 came along. This is where a rough patch came along, I don't remember what happened anymroe I just remember the few days. I can't remember anymore why I was mad at her but I stopped hanging out with her and for a few days I was alone again. Maybe I thought since we were in high school that we'd make new friends and slowly drift apart? I don't really know :/ But again we ended up friends again and for the rest of high school we stayed that way; even when he did make our own groups of friends.
Now let's fast foreward to now, 9 years later and still going. This is where I came to the realization that for us to have been friends this long has to be because we're almost complete opposites of each other, yet at the same time we're the same. Like she's a crazy nut who loves Hello Kitty a little too much :P while i'm the calm, mellow one :P
And Carl, if you read this; I'm happy we stayed friends this long. You're the only person I've known that has stayed friends with me this long and I appreciate you putting up with me all these years :P. As well as giving me all the most outrageous nicknames in the world from B to Lebtimus Prime and onward.
Anyways I'm sitting here in my room at 1:30 in the morning thinking about things I never thought I'd find myself thinking about now.
It's mostly remenesence of the past 9 years that some how changed my life. *insert flashback music here*
I remember back in grade 2-4 of how I tried to make friends, and everytime I finally did make a friend it wouldn't be too long before they decided they didn't want to be friends anymroe or some how I pissed them off and they ditched me. I felt like I was always alone and would never make a long time friend; heck I didn't even know long term friends existed seeing as the longest I had a friend was a year.
Then I moved from that dark part of my childhood to where I am now in grade 5. There I met a few people who were friends for a short amount of time again, but then there was Carl. And at first I didn't think it would last; that in a year we wouldn't be friends anymore and I would go on about my lonely existance once again. Then sure enough next year she had to move away and I felt alone once more. I spent my days just sitting alone doing nothing wishing she hadn't moved away.
But, as if by some cosmic fate, Carl came back before the end of grade 6. I won't admit this to her face but I was glad she came back >.>
And so the years ticked by as grade 7 and 8 rolled on by and finally grade 9 came along. This is where a rough patch came along, I don't remember what happened anymroe I just remember the few days. I can't remember anymore why I was mad at her but I stopped hanging out with her and for a few days I was alone again. Maybe I thought since we were in high school that we'd make new friends and slowly drift apart? I don't really know :/ But again we ended up friends again and for the rest of high school we stayed that way; even when he did make our own groups of friends.
Now let's fast foreward to now, 9 years later and still going. This is where I came to the realization that for us to have been friends this long has to be because we're almost complete opposites of each other, yet at the same time we're the same. Like she's a crazy nut who loves Hello Kitty a little too much :P while i'm the calm, mellow one :P
And Carl, if you read this; I'm happy we stayed friends this long. You're the only person I've known that has stayed friends with me this long and I appreciate you putting up with me all these years :P. As well as giving me all the most outrageous nicknames in the world from B to Lebtimus Prime and onward.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Badum Tishhh
Alright a few things to get out of the way.
First off Saints Row 3 is out in a few hours :D well online it will be :P
My bro pre-ordered the game and pre-loaded it or something like that so he can play it tomorrow. And after he plays it I will play it >.>
Went out today and found Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 and thought, eh why not. So I've been playing the first one.
Last but not least, tomorrow I go and get my hair done :D FInally after months of no colour! It's going to be turquoise or teal streaks and a almost black brown; i'll post a picture as soon as possible for you all to see.
And that is all for the night!
First off Saints Row 3 is out in a few hours :D well online it will be :P
My bro pre-ordered the game and pre-loaded it or something like that so he can play it tomorrow. And after he plays it I will play it >.>
Went out today and found Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 and thought, eh why not. So I've been playing the first one.
Last but not least, tomorrow I go and get my hair done :D FInally after months of no colour! It's going to be turquoise or teal streaks and a almost black brown; i'll post a picture as soon as possible for you all to see.
And that is all for the night!
Friday, November 11, 2011
We All Can't Live Forever
Todays been pretty shocking for me. I still don't know how I should feel at the moment. I feel sadness, but its not heart wrenching. It's like, oh okay. But you're all probably thinking, 'what the hell happened already?'
Well this afternoon I went back to where I used to ride and found out that, Ara, remember the horse I've mentioned a few times in my blog posts? Well she's gone now too. And by gone I mean not with the living anymore. She was 31 and had lived an already long life so maybe that's why I'm not as sad as I expected myself to be.
Anyways that is all, thought I'd get this out in the open.
Oh, by the way, I have a new nickname...LEB...don't ask..so I'm going to use it here since college is now over for me and Squeezy was my college nickname.
Well this afternoon I went back to where I used to ride and found out that, Ara, remember the horse I've mentioned a few times in my blog posts? Well she's gone now too. And by gone I mean not with the living anymore. She was 31 and had lived an already long life so maybe that's why I'm not as sad as I expected myself to be.
Anyways that is all, thought I'd get this out in the open.
Oh, by the way, I have a new nickname...LEB...don't ask..so I'm going to use it here since college is now over for me and Squeezy was my college nickname.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Three New Guys
Today, after a good month or so after Nyx died, I went out to the pet store and decided to get three new little guys for Pleeko since he was kinda lonely.
Anyways, I don't have pictures but there are two Black Moor Goldfish and an Albino Cory Catfish now. I just came up with the names:
The Cory is named Taisce which means Treausre in Irish.
The smallest and obviously the youngest of the Moor is named Nox.
And finally the dark and bigger of the Moor is named Cloverfeild.
I'll try to get pictures of them later, but at the moment I'm letting them get used to their new home. So far Nox and Cloverfeild are exploring every inch of the tank, picking up the gravel and spitting it back out as they go while Taisce is darting around the bottom.
Anyways, I don't have pictures but there are two Black Moor Goldfish and an Albino Cory Catfish now. I just came up with the names:
The Cory is named Taisce which means Treausre in Irish.
The smallest and obviously the youngest of the Moor is named Nox.
And finally the dark and bigger of the Moor is named Cloverfeild.
I'll try to get pictures of them later, but at the moment I'm letting them get used to their new home. So far Nox and Cloverfeild are exploring every inch of the tank, picking up the gravel and spitting it back out as they go while Taisce is darting around the bottom.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Its getting close to that favourite time of the October :D...well third favourite aside from my 19th birthday and thanksgiving, but anyways; that's not the point.
The point is that I have finally picked up a costume to wear for tomorrow's party :D.
It's not the grim reaper costume I wanted but it's something cool; it's called the Enchantress so I guess that's what I'm going as.
So what are everyone going as this halloween? Leave a comment at the bottom would ya? So at least I know that there are living, breathing souls out there reading these blogs instead of numbers on a statistics chart.
So I've decided to do a closing blog for each month of everything that has gone down during the month. I'm going to end October now since the next time I blog won't be until after halloween.
So what has gone down this month of October? Well we'll start from the top:
I turned 19 this month :D Finally!
The next day, though, Nyx died unexpectantly :( I was treating him for Fin Rot, but he never did get better.
I decided to further my education next year at thanksgiving.
Phil, my friend, has been changed to Carl now since it flows much better.
Juno turned eight months on the 21st.
I decided to drag my electric guitar from the corner of my room along with my amp and start playing with it, making it Sybil's first time ever hearing the guitar and ended with Raven singing along.
Just a few weeks ago Carl and I have decided that if Blood on the Dancefloor are at Warped Tour and they come to Canada that I guess we're going :P
I'm dying my hair dark brown and blue soon ;)
So that's what's been going down this month and I guess i'll make this a regular thing now since I don't really have a regular thing for this blog.
Anyways, I should really be going to bed, but I want to watch some of The Vampire Diaries before bed.
The point is that I have finally picked up a costume to wear for tomorrow's party :D.
It's not the grim reaper costume I wanted but it's something cool; it's called the Enchantress so I guess that's what I'm going as.
So what are everyone going as this halloween? Leave a comment at the bottom would ya? So at least I know that there are living, breathing souls out there reading these blogs instead of numbers on a statistics chart.
So I've decided to do a closing blog for each month of everything that has gone down during the month. I'm going to end October now since the next time I blog won't be until after halloween.
So what has gone down this month of October? Well we'll start from the top:
I turned 19 this month :D Finally!
The next day, though, Nyx died unexpectantly :( I was treating him for Fin Rot, but he never did get better.
I decided to further my education next year at thanksgiving.
Phil, my friend, has been changed to Carl now since it flows much better.
Juno turned eight months on the 21st.
I decided to drag my electric guitar from the corner of my room along with my amp and start playing with it, making it Sybil's first time ever hearing the guitar and ended with Raven singing along.
Just a few weeks ago Carl and I have decided that if Blood on the Dancefloor are at Warped Tour and they come to Canada that I guess we're going :P
I'm dying my hair dark brown and blue soon ;)
So that's what's been going down this month and I guess i'll make this a regular thing now since I don't really have a regular thing for this blog.
Anyways, I should really be going to bed, but I want to watch some of The Vampire Diaries before bed.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
It's nearing the end of October and the unwanted welcome of cold weather is rolling in. As well as a certain holiday event. Yes I'm speaking of Halloween, the time of the year where you can dress up as anything you want to and go out asking for candy from random strangers! I used to love Halloween when I was a kid, but then something happened one year and I hated the very thought of Halloween. But now i'm starting to love it again; even though i'm 19.
I'm planning on dressing up as the Grim Reaper, but i'm not going to get candy, maybe hand it out, but no getting any.
Other things that have nothing to do with Halloween are that i'm planning to go back to school, hopefully next year. I want to pay off as much osap as I can now before going back and accumulating more osap ontop of this osap. But I want to go back to school to work with horses. I've always wanted to, but I never did it. I don't regret taking Animal Care, I met a bunch of amazing people and friends there and found Juno. So now i'm looking for a job to help pay off the osap. I've placed out resumes already, I just have to wait until someone decides that i'm worth it and hires me.
Anyways, i'm tired, it's late and I have to get up in about five hours. yeah.
I'm planning on dressing up as the Grim Reaper, but i'm not going to get candy, maybe hand it out, but no getting any.
Other things that have nothing to do with Halloween are that i'm planning to go back to school, hopefully next year. I want to pay off as much osap as I can now before going back and accumulating more osap ontop of this osap. But I want to go back to school to work with horses. I've always wanted to, but I never did it. I don't regret taking Animal Care, I met a bunch of amazing people and friends there and found Juno. So now i'm looking for a job to help pay off the osap. I've placed out resumes already, I just have to wait until someone decides that i'm worth it and hires me.
Anyways, i'm tired, it's late and I have to get up in about five hours. yeah.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Sad Time For Squeezy
A few days ago we lost a member of the trio :(
A few weeks ago I went to pick up Nyx from my aunt's while I was moving back and he had fin rot. I don't know how long he had it but I took him with me to the pet store and we got some medicine alone with a bigger tank for him and more plants and gravel along with a buddy; Otocinclus sp.
well he was getting better when suddenly he started to act dopey and would just lay at the bottom of the tank all day. He was eating so I wasn't too worried, just thought he was still getting over the fin rot when he stopped eating.
Two days ago, Nyx left us V.V
He was an amazing fish; even though I only had him for a short time. He'd always tease Juno when she'd go and look at him. He'd even follow my finger along the tank :( He had an appetite like a beast and loved playing with his new buddy Pleeko.
I didn't think I would want another fish after that, but after thinking about it and talking with my bud Phil and mom about the subject I'm going to try again. I'm not replacing you Nyx :( I just can't leave Pleeko alone in this tank.
A few weeks ago I went to pick up Nyx from my aunt's while I was moving back and he had fin rot. I don't know how long he had it but I took him with me to the pet store and we got some medicine alone with a bigger tank for him and more plants and gravel along with a buddy; Otocinclus sp.
well he was getting better when suddenly he started to act dopey and would just lay at the bottom of the tank all day. He was eating so I wasn't too worried, just thought he was still getting over the fin rot when he stopped eating.
Two days ago, Nyx left us V.V
He was an amazing fish; even though I only had him for a short time. He'd always tease Juno when she'd go and look at him. He'd even follow my finger along the tank :( He had an appetite like a beast and loved playing with his new buddy Pleeko.
I didn't think I would want another fish after that, but after thinking about it and talking with my bud Phil and mom about the subject I'm going to try again. I'm not replacing you Nyx :( I just can't leave Pleeko alone in this tank.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Well today is the day I reach the big ol' 1-9. Yep, I can drink in public now :P
Anyways I think i've come to a conclusion; I feel like shit on my birthday because...I hate my own existance. :/ Only thing I can come up with. I'm all excited the day before but when the day comes i'm like, "fuck this".
So I guess this could be my birthday blog; iunno...
Anyways I think i've come to a conclusion; I feel like shit on my birthday because...I hate my own existance. :/ Only thing I can come up with. I'm all excited the day before but when the day comes i'm like, "fuck this".
So I guess this could be my birthday blog; iunno...
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I've come to a conclusion; I may never leave home :|
Yes I have moved back home again since I couldn't find a job at my Aunts and the bus system scared the shit out of me. So anyways I've done job hunting back home and redecorated my room. Seriously this room hasn't seen change in about five or six years. If only I could paint the walls black...
But anyways, I've got my posters up; minus my Black Veil Brides and Red Riding Hood poster, and some wall stickers on the walls. And I'll have say i'm quite pleased with my work. Just a few more posters and it'll feel like home.
And to conclude this conclusion post I will say I have fet Nyx and Juno and i'm about ready to go find Juno upstairs to bring her to bed before she can do anymore damage to Noel than she's already done, with the chasing her around and such.
Yes I have moved back home again since I couldn't find a job at my Aunts and the bus system scared the shit out of me. So anyways I've done job hunting back home and redecorated my room. Seriously this room hasn't seen change in about five or six years. If only I could paint the walls black...
But anyways, I've got my posters up; minus my Black Veil Brides and Red Riding Hood poster, and some wall stickers on the walls. And I'll have say i'm quite pleased with my work. Just a few more posters and it'll feel like home.
And to conclude this conclusion post I will say I have fet Nyx and Juno and i'm about ready to go find Juno upstairs to bring her to bed before she can do anymore damage to Noel than she's already done, with the chasing her around and such.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Oi it's been a while. Anyways a bit has happened over the last few days. I came home for the week so that Juno can have her spay done and then she can semi recover before I head back. I ordered a few things online yesterday and let's cross the mini rex idea off my agenda for the next few years.
I'm still jobless, yet i'm searching. I'm going to apply for two more places tomorrow here and then I should call back a few of the others to make sure they still have openings.
Anyways the lsat thing I want to mention is that I went with my mom to the doctor's today and ended up getting checked because this morning I woke up gasping and choking; basically I couldn't breath properly and I had sharp pains in my sides. This has actually been going on for a few months, up around april or so. So they're setting up a sleep test for me. I won't say what I think it is until I find out. But when I find out i'll say what it is.
Anyways I have to be up for eight tomorrow morning to get Juno ready.
I'm still jobless, yet i'm searching. I'm going to apply for two more places tomorrow here and then I should call back a few of the others to make sure they still have openings.
Anyways the lsat thing I want to mention is that I went with my mom to the doctor's today and ended up getting checked because this morning I woke up gasping and choking; basically I couldn't breath properly and I had sharp pains in my sides. This has actually been going on for a few months, up around april or so. So they're setting up a sleep test for me. I won't say what I think it is until I find out. But when I find out i'll say what it is.
Anyways I have to be up for eight tomorrow morning to get Juno ready.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Mini Rex on da Brain
I've been wanting to get something other than a dog, cat or fish for a long time and remember clearly that when i was a kid I wanted to get a rabbit. Today that dream has come back!
Went to petsmart and checked out the prices for everything and have come to a few conclusions:
First I need a job damn it!
Second I want a Mini Rex
Third before any of this becomes reality we need to move to a bigger apartment
So once all of this has been fulfilled and I actually get a mini rex, I will post a blog about it.
Just don't hold your breath, it'll take a while before any of this actually happens.
Went to petsmart and checked out the prices for everything and have come to a few conclusions:
First I need a job damn it!
Second I want a Mini Rex
Third before any of this becomes reality we need to move to a bigger apartment
So once all of this has been fulfilled and I actually get a mini rex, I will post a blog about it.
Just don't hold your breath, it'll take a while before any of this actually happens.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Holy :|
Who is viewing my blog!? I'm just curious. I had 13 views today, when I usually just have 1 or 2 views.
Doing it again
[Quiz: One]
1. What song best represents my personality?
Song: If Its Love
Artist: Train
Comment: 10 Kids!!! :D
2. What song will be played on my funeral?
Song: Give You My All
Artist: Eyes Set To Kill
Comment: Of course after the zombie apocalypse
3. Will I ever love somebody?
Song: Life Goes On
Artist: Leann Rimes
Comment: …
4. Will I be successful in life?
Song: Give Me Anything
Artist: The Maine
Comment: Yes give me any job I don’t care!
5. Will I get married even if my love life is out of shape?
Song: Leave Me Alone
Artist: P!nk
Comment: So 72 cats it is
6. Will anyone accept me as who I am?
Song: Seize The Day
Artist: Avenged Sevenfold
Comment: So… :S
7. How will I die?
Song: Too Pretty
Artist: State of Shock
Comment: So I guess I’m never gonna die :D
8. Who'll kill me?
Song: Making Memories
Artist: Keith Urban
Comment: :|
9. Will I be a murderer myself?
Song: Nature’s Law
Artist: Embrace
Comment: So it’s my destiny :D
10. How's my life so far?
Song: Not Meant to Be
Artist: Theory of a Deadman
Comment: I guess my existence so far wasn’t meant to be :\
11. My current obsession?
Song: Let Go
Artist: Unknown
Comment: yeah….
12. What song best represents my friendship with others?
Song: Punch Drunk Love
Artist: The Summerset
Comment: XD
13. If I ever, where would I go on vacation this year?
Song: Mr. Immature
Artist: Stef Lang
Comment: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
14. Second last question: Which sexuality are you?
Song: Talk Like That
Artist: The Preset
Comment: not bad
15. Last question: What song should end this?
Song: I’m Not Over
Artist: Carolina Liar
Comment: Irony :D
[Quiz: Two]
Will I get far in life?
Song: No Matter What
Artist: Papa Roach
How do my friends see me?:
Song: He Said She Said
Artist: Ashley Tisdale
Comment: now where’d that song come from :| >.>
Where will I get married?:
Song: A Prophecy
Artist: Asking Alexandria
Comment: I’m guessing during some dark ritual to take over the world
What is my best friend's theme song?:
Song: We Break Dance Not Hearts
Artist: Short Stack
What is the story of my life?:
Song: Gangstas Paradise
Artist: Coolio
What is/was high school like?:
Song: The White Ones Evil
Artist: Elliot Minor
Comment: The walls were white
How can i get ahead in life?:
Song: Goodbye My Lover
Artist: James Blunt
Comment: With a cold heart and lonely life
What is the best thing about me?:
Song: Fading
Artist: Decypher Down
Comment: Mhm
How is today going to be?:
Song: Waiting
Artist: There for Tomorrow
Comment: Yes waiting for a call back
What is in store for this weekend?:
Song: Tonight I Wanna Cry
Artist: Keith Urban
Comment: Yay….
What song describes my parents?:
Song: Take My Life Away
Artist: Default
Comment: I never understood that band’s name
My grandparents?:
Song: You Be The Anchor that Keeps My Feet on the Ground
Artist: Mayday Parade
Comment: Holy shit title :|
How is my life going?
Song: Deadlines
Artist: There For Tomorrow
Comment: lots of them
What song will they play at my funeral?:
Song: Ready For The Fall
Artist: We are the Ocean
Comment: If it’s during a zombie apocalypse then sure
How does the world see me?:
Song: Everybody Hurts
Artist: Avril Lavigne
Comment: :/
Will I have a happy life?
Song: Saviour
Artist: Lights
What do my friends really think of me?:
Song: Scars
Artist: Papa Roach
Comment: great -_-
Do people secretly lust after me?:
Song: In and Out of Love
Artist: Armin Van Buuren Feat. Sharon Den Adel
Comment: like a yoyo
How can I make myself happy?:
Song: Timing Just Isn’t Your Thing
Artist: Red Car Wire
Comment: Tooo late :P
What should I do with my life?:
Song: So Cold
Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Comment: So I should stick myself in a freezer and wait for the coma like sleep to take over?
Will I ever have children?
Song: My World
Artist: Sick Puppies
Comment: Sheldonopolis! :D Iunno why I said that…
What is some good advice?:
Song: Can’t Be Tamed
Artist: Miley Cyrus
Comment: :| what is she doing in my playlist >.>
What is my signature dancing song?:
Song: I Don’t Believe You
Artist: P!nk
Comment: iunno about that; I’m no good at slow stuff
What do I think my current theme song is?:
Song: Beautiful Theives
Artist: AFI
Comment: Dayum I was hoping for Imma Bee :P
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?:
Song: Crash Into Me
Artist: Dave Matthews
Comment: :/
What do I really want from life?
Song: Caves
Artist: Chiodos
Comment: Yes I shall make a vast civilization within the deepest caves of the earth and it shall be called Caveville >:D
What should I do to help others?
Song: Never Let Me Go
Artist: Family Force Five
Comment: so I should do what I planned, lock them in my basement so they can’t escape :D
What should I do to help myself?
Song: The Best Day
Artist: Taylor Swift
Comment: yeah but how?
What should I do to succeed in life?
Song: Already Gone
Artist: Crossfade
What is my one most important goal in life?
Song: Gone
Artist: Fuel
Comment: D: Where’d all the rum go?
What do I get the most pleasure from?
Song: Over My Head
Artist: The Fray
Comment: of course
[Quiz: Three]
If you reached the top of Mount Everest, you would scream:
Song: Falls On Me
Artist: Fuel
The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
Song: Secrets
Artist: Onerepublic
Your favorite thing to say when drunk is:
Song: Monster
Artist: Skillet
Comment: XD
Your message to the world:
Song: I’m Not Your Boyfriend Baby
Artist: 3OH!3
Comment: that’s right
When you think of your best friend you think:
Song: Soundproof
Artist: Brian Melo
Comment: da hell….
Your deepest secret:
Song: 5 Wonders of the World
Artist: For Our Hero Feat. Sam Bentley
Comment: yeah the sixth was discovered already
Your innermost desire:
Song: Hurt
Artist: Nine Inch Nails
Your oldest memory makes you think:
Song: Tears of Ashes
Artist: Dear Whoever
Comment: Yeah that’s right I cry fire :P
Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:
Song: Dare You To Move
Artist: Switchfoot
On your deathbed, you'll whisper:
Song: Foolish Games
Artist: Jewel
Comment: I like the other answer I got :/
Your friends say behind your back:
Song: Firework
Artist: Katy Perry
You say behind your friends' backs:
Song: I Can’t Escape
Artist: A Vain Attempt
Comment: …
Your opinion of MySpace:
Song: Cycling Trivialities
Artist: Jose Gonzalez
Comment: True
When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
Song: Eventually
Artist: P!nk
Comment: yeah, eventually I’ll have to get up
If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell:
Song: If I had You
Artist: Adam Lambert
Comment: If I had you at least one of us wouldn’t starve :P j/k
Right now, your feelings are:
Song: The Fantasy
Artist: 30 Seconds to Mars
What's your excuse for reposting this:
Song: Dance With Me
Artist: 3OH!3
Your life's soundtrack:
Song: Every Breath You Take
Artist: The Police
The day you fall in love will be the day that:
Song: Hate My Life
Artist: Theory of a Deadman
Comment: so the day I fall in love will be the day I hate my life..anytime now
You scream during sex:
Song: Skyscraper
Artist: Demi Levato
Comment: :| guess I’m not doing it then
Your farewell message to the readers of this:
Song: This I Promise You
Artist: NSYNC
And I found this too to add to my long post :D
1 Why did you decide to take this quiz?
Track: The Ballad of Mona Lisa
Artist: Panic At The Disco
2 Where will you meet your husband/wife?
Track: I Believe I can Fly
Artist: R Kelly
Comments: Okay either I’ll be sucked into the world of Space Jam or I’ll get bitten by a radioactive bird, grow wings and save someone who will end up marrying me :D
3 Where will you "hug" your wife/husband for the first time?
Track: The Day That Saved Us
Artist: Automatic Loveletter
4 What is your secret dream?
Track: Burn This City
Artist: Sonic Syndicate
Comments: YES >:D
5 What song will they be playing at the morgue when they'll perform your autopsy?
Track: Who You’d Be Today
Artist: Kenny Chesney
Comments: T.T
6 Who will throw a party after you die?
Track: The Path To Decay
Artist: Sirenia
Comments: perfect
7 What song describes you when you're so drunk that you can't speak?
Track: My Obsession
Artist: Cinema Bizarre
8 What will actually kill you?
Track: You’re Gone
Artist: Diamond Rio
9 Who will be your slave?
Track: Rebellion
Artist: The Arcade Fire
Comments: The rebels shall concur! :D
10 What will you look like at the age of 80?
Track: Homecoming
Artist: Hey Monday
11 Where will you meet your arch enemy of life?
Track: The Kind
Artist: Flyleaf
12 Where did your parents 'create' you?
Track: Running up that Hill
Artist: Placebo
Comments: XD good lord!
13 What will happen to you tonight, after going to bed?
Track: We dance to a different Disco
Artist: Short Stack
Comments: Yay for parties :D
14 What is the meaning of your life?
Track: Hooler til you pass out
Artist: 3OH!3
15 What will be the meaning of your death?
Track: Running Away
Artist: Hoobastank
Comments: Don’t run away kids, it’s dangerous :|
16 How many necrophiles will ravage your corpse?
Track: Teenage Dream
Artist: Katy Perry
Comments: Who comes up with these questions! :|
17 What do you hate the most?
Track: Cut
Artist: Plumb
Comments: So true
18 What do you love the best?
Track: September
Artist: Daughtry
Comments: Yeah, cuz I’m hoping for a job by the end of this month:P
19 What makes you feel like jumping out the window?
Track: Tell Me You’ll Be There
Artist: Everyday Sunday
Comments: So don’t tell me you’ll be there for me or I swear I’ll jump
20 What do you think about bananas?
Track: Shadow of the Day
Artist: Linkin Park
21 Where would you like to be now?
Track: Animal
Artist: Neon Trees
22 Who would you like to have a tea-party with?
Track: The Weight of us
Artist: Sanders Bohlke
23 How would you describe your childhood?
Track: A Place for the end
Artist: Dear Whoever
Comments: yeah
24 If you could do anything you want, what would it be?
Track: Powershift
Artist: Sonic Syndicate
Comments: >:D
25 Recent obsessions/existential problems?
Track: 17
Artist: Short Stack
26 If they would make a movie about you, what would be the title?
Track: Walk Away
Artist: P!nk
27 Where did the pigeons go?
Track: Family Portrait
Artist: P!nk
Comments: that doesn’t makes sense, but it went with the rum
28 Are you a good stalker/rapist?
Track: The Addit
Artist: Papa Roach
29 What will your neighbor think of you when they'll finds out that you have naked pictures of them?
Track: Absolutely
Artist: Nine Days
30 Who's for dinner tonight?
Track: Tears Don’t Fall
Artist: Bullet for My Valentine
31 Who are you hiding in your cupboard tonight?
Track: Crash
Artist: Decypher Down
32 Who is your fashion ideal?
Track: Boom Boom Pow
Artist: Black Eyed Peas
33 This halloween, you'll dress up as a ......???
Track: We Are Broken
Artist: Paramore
34 Who would you like to keep in your pockets all the time?
Track: Lump Sum
Artist: Bon Iver
35 If you'd won the lottery, who would you buy first?
Track: Breathless
Artist:Shayne Ward
36 Are we there yet?
Track: Hey Baby
Artist: Pit Bull
37 Em...any hard feelings for choosing our survey?
Track: Ashes and Wine
Artist: A Fine Frenzy
38 What are your thoughts about the people who made this quiz?
Track: Hearts Open Slowly
1. What song best represents my personality?
Song: If Its Love
Artist: Train
Comment: 10 Kids!!! :D
2. What song will be played on my funeral?
Song: Give You My All
Artist: Eyes Set To Kill
Comment: Of course after the zombie apocalypse
3. Will I ever love somebody?
Song: Life Goes On
Artist: Leann Rimes
Comment: …
4. Will I be successful in life?
Song: Give Me Anything
Artist: The Maine
Comment: Yes give me any job I don’t care!
5. Will I get married even if my love life is out of shape?
Song: Leave Me Alone
Artist: P!nk
Comment: So 72 cats it is
6. Will anyone accept me as who I am?
Song: Seize The Day
Artist: Avenged Sevenfold
Comment: So… :S
7. How will I die?
Song: Too Pretty
Artist: State of Shock
Comment: So I guess I’m never gonna die :D
8. Who'll kill me?
Song: Making Memories
Artist: Keith Urban
Comment: :|
9. Will I be a murderer myself?
Song: Nature’s Law
Artist: Embrace
Comment: So it’s my destiny :D
10. How's my life so far?
Song: Not Meant to Be
Artist: Theory of a Deadman
Comment: I guess my existence so far wasn’t meant to be :\
11. My current obsession?
Song: Let Go
Artist: Unknown
Comment: yeah….
12. What song best represents my friendship with others?
Song: Punch Drunk Love
Artist: The Summerset
Comment: XD
13. If I ever, where would I go on vacation this year?
Song: Mr. Immature
Artist: Stef Lang
Comment: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
14. Second last question: Which sexuality are you?
Song: Talk Like That
Artist: The Preset
Comment: not bad
15. Last question: What song should end this?
Song: I’m Not Over
Artist: Carolina Liar
Comment: Irony :D
[Quiz: Two]
Will I get far in life?
Song: No Matter What
Artist: Papa Roach
How do my friends see me?:
Song: He Said She Said
Artist: Ashley Tisdale
Comment: now where’d that song come from :| >.>
Where will I get married?:
Song: A Prophecy
Artist: Asking Alexandria
Comment: I’m guessing during some dark ritual to take over the world
What is my best friend's theme song?:
Song: We Break Dance Not Hearts
Artist: Short Stack
What is the story of my life?:
Song: Gangstas Paradise
Artist: Coolio
What is/was high school like?:
Song: The White Ones Evil
Artist: Elliot Minor
Comment: The walls were white
How can i get ahead in life?:
Song: Goodbye My Lover
Artist: James Blunt
Comment: With a cold heart and lonely life
What is the best thing about me?:
Song: Fading
Artist: Decypher Down
Comment: Mhm
How is today going to be?:
Song: Waiting
Artist: There for Tomorrow
Comment: Yes waiting for a call back
What is in store for this weekend?:
Song: Tonight I Wanna Cry
Artist: Keith Urban
Comment: Yay….
What song describes my parents?:
Song: Take My Life Away
Artist: Default
Comment: I never understood that band’s name
My grandparents?:
Song: You Be The Anchor that Keeps My Feet on the Ground
Artist: Mayday Parade
Comment: Holy shit title :|
How is my life going?
Song: Deadlines
Artist: There For Tomorrow
Comment: lots of them
What song will they play at my funeral?:
Song: Ready For The Fall
Artist: We are the Ocean
Comment: If it’s during a zombie apocalypse then sure
How does the world see me?:
Song: Everybody Hurts
Artist: Avril Lavigne
Comment: :/
Will I have a happy life?
Song: Saviour
Artist: Lights
What do my friends really think of me?:
Song: Scars
Artist: Papa Roach
Comment: great -_-
Do people secretly lust after me?:
Song: In and Out of Love
Artist: Armin Van Buuren Feat. Sharon Den Adel
Comment: like a yoyo
How can I make myself happy?:
Song: Timing Just Isn’t Your Thing
Artist: Red Car Wire
Comment: Tooo late :P
What should I do with my life?:
Song: So Cold
Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Comment: So I should stick myself in a freezer and wait for the coma like sleep to take over?
Will I ever have children?
Song: My World
Artist: Sick Puppies
Comment: Sheldonopolis! :D Iunno why I said that…
What is some good advice?:
Song: Can’t Be Tamed
Artist: Miley Cyrus
Comment: :| what is she doing in my playlist >.>
What is my signature dancing song?:
Song: I Don’t Believe You
Artist: P!nk
Comment: iunno about that; I’m no good at slow stuff
What do I think my current theme song is?:
Song: Beautiful Theives
Artist: AFI
Comment: Dayum I was hoping for Imma Bee :P
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?:
Song: Crash Into Me
Artist: Dave Matthews
Comment: :/
What do I really want from life?
Song: Caves
Artist: Chiodos
Comment: Yes I shall make a vast civilization within the deepest caves of the earth and it shall be called Caveville >:D
What should I do to help others?
Song: Never Let Me Go
Artist: Family Force Five
Comment: so I should do what I planned, lock them in my basement so they can’t escape :D
What should I do to help myself?
Song: The Best Day
Artist: Taylor Swift
Comment: yeah but how?
What should I do to succeed in life?
Song: Already Gone
Artist: Crossfade
What is my one most important goal in life?
Song: Gone
Artist: Fuel
Comment: D: Where’d all the rum go?
What do I get the most pleasure from?
Song: Over My Head
Artist: The Fray
Comment: of course
[Quiz: Three]
If you reached the top of Mount Everest, you would scream:
Song: Falls On Me
Artist: Fuel
The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
Song: Secrets
Artist: Onerepublic
Your favorite thing to say when drunk is:
Song: Monster
Artist: Skillet
Comment: XD
Your message to the world:
Song: I’m Not Your Boyfriend Baby
Artist: 3OH!3
Comment: that’s right
When you think of your best friend you think:
Song: Soundproof
Artist: Brian Melo
Comment: da hell….
Your deepest secret:
Song: 5 Wonders of the World
Artist: For Our Hero Feat. Sam Bentley
Comment: yeah the sixth was discovered already
Your innermost desire:
Song: Hurt
Artist: Nine Inch Nails
Your oldest memory makes you think:
Song: Tears of Ashes
Artist: Dear Whoever
Comment: Yeah that’s right I cry fire :P
Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:
Song: Dare You To Move
Artist: Switchfoot
On your deathbed, you'll whisper:
Song: Foolish Games
Artist: Jewel
Comment: I like the other answer I got :/
Your friends say behind your back:
Song: Firework
Artist: Katy Perry
You say behind your friends' backs:
Song: I Can’t Escape
Artist: A Vain Attempt
Comment: …
Your opinion of MySpace:
Song: Cycling Trivialities
Artist: Jose Gonzalez
Comment: True
When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
Song: Eventually
Artist: P!nk
Comment: yeah, eventually I’ll have to get up
If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell:
Song: If I had You
Artist: Adam Lambert
Comment: If I had you at least one of us wouldn’t starve :P j/k
Right now, your feelings are:
Song: The Fantasy
Artist: 30 Seconds to Mars
What's your excuse for reposting this:
Song: Dance With Me
Artist: 3OH!3
Your life's soundtrack:
Song: Every Breath You Take
Artist: The Police
The day you fall in love will be the day that:
Song: Hate My Life
Artist: Theory of a Deadman
Comment: so the day I fall in love will be the day I hate my life..anytime now
You scream during sex:
Song: Skyscraper
Artist: Demi Levato
Comment: :| guess I’m not doing it then
Your farewell message to the readers of this:
Song: This I Promise You
Artist: NSYNC
And I found this too to add to my long post :D
1 Why did you decide to take this quiz?
Track: The Ballad of Mona Lisa
Artist: Panic At The Disco
2 Where will you meet your husband/wife?
Track: I Believe I can Fly
Artist: R Kelly
Comments: Okay either I’ll be sucked into the world of Space Jam or I’ll get bitten by a radioactive bird, grow wings and save someone who will end up marrying me :D
3 Where will you "hug" your wife/husband for the first time?
Track: The Day That Saved Us
Artist: Automatic Loveletter
4 What is your secret dream?
Track: Burn This City
Artist: Sonic Syndicate
Comments: YES >:D
5 What song will they be playing at the morgue when they'll perform your autopsy?
Track: Who You’d Be Today
Artist: Kenny Chesney
Comments: T.T
6 Who will throw a party after you die?
Track: The Path To Decay
Artist: Sirenia
Comments: perfect
7 What song describes you when you're so drunk that you can't speak?
Track: My Obsession
Artist: Cinema Bizarre
8 What will actually kill you?
Track: You’re Gone
Artist: Diamond Rio
9 Who will be your slave?
Track: Rebellion
Artist: The Arcade Fire
Comments: The rebels shall concur! :D
10 What will you look like at the age of 80?
Track: Homecoming
Artist: Hey Monday
11 Where will you meet your arch enemy of life?
Track: The Kind
Artist: Flyleaf
12 Where did your parents 'create' you?
Track: Running up that Hill
Artist: Placebo
Comments: XD good lord!
13 What will happen to you tonight, after going to bed?
Track: We dance to a different Disco
Artist: Short Stack
Comments: Yay for parties :D
14 What is the meaning of your life?
Track: Hooler til you pass out
Artist: 3OH!3
15 What will be the meaning of your death?
Track: Running Away
Artist: Hoobastank
Comments: Don’t run away kids, it’s dangerous :|
16 How many necrophiles will ravage your corpse?
Track: Teenage Dream
Artist: Katy Perry
Comments: Who comes up with these questions! :|
17 What do you hate the most?
Track: Cut
Artist: Plumb
Comments: So true
18 What do you love the best?
Track: September
Artist: Daughtry
Comments: Yeah, cuz I’m hoping for a job by the end of this month:P
19 What makes you feel like jumping out the window?
Track: Tell Me You’ll Be There
Artist: Everyday Sunday
Comments: So don’t tell me you’ll be there for me or I swear I’ll jump
20 What do you think about bananas?
Track: Shadow of the Day
Artist: Linkin Park
21 Where would you like to be now?
Track: Animal
Artist: Neon Trees
22 Who would you like to have a tea-party with?
Track: The Weight of us
Artist: Sanders Bohlke
23 How would you describe your childhood?
Track: A Place for the end
Artist: Dear Whoever
Comments: yeah
24 If you could do anything you want, what would it be?
Track: Powershift
Artist: Sonic Syndicate
Comments: >:D
25 Recent obsessions/existential problems?
Track: 17
Artist: Short Stack
26 If they would make a movie about you, what would be the title?
Track: Walk Away
Artist: P!nk
27 Where did the pigeons go?
Track: Family Portrait
Artist: P!nk
Comments: that doesn’t makes sense, but it went with the rum
28 Are you a good stalker/rapist?
Track: The Addit
Artist: Papa Roach
29 What will your neighbor think of you when they'll finds out that you have naked pictures of them?
Track: Absolutely
Artist: Nine Days
30 Who's for dinner tonight?
Track: Tears Don’t Fall
Artist: Bullet for My Valentine
31 Who are you hiding in your cupboard tonight?
Track: Crash
Artist: Decypher Down
32 Who is your fashion ideal?
Track: Boom Boom Pow
Artist: Black Eyed Peas
33 This halloween, you'll dress up as a ......???
Track: We Are Broken
Artist: Paramore
34 Who would you like to keep in your pockets all the time?
Track: Lump Sum
Artist: Bon Iver
35 If you'd won the lottery, who would you buy first?
Track: Breathless
Artist:Shayne Ward
36 Are we there yet?
Track: Hey Baby
Artist: Pit Bull
37 Em...any hard feelings for choosing our survey?
Track: Ashes and Wine
Artist: A Fine Frenzy
38 What are your thoughts about the people who made this quiz?
Track: Hearts Open Slowly
Home Alone 3 1/2
As the title says I'm home alone today. My aunt has classes today and I don't have a job yet, I've put out about eight resumes on friday and i'm just waiting for some callbacks. So I have the entire apartment to myself; aside from the fact there's Juno.
Well on the bright side I can blare my music and can watch all the pokemon movies I want without getting weird looks :D So Pokemon marathon? I think so.
So since I don't really have anything interesting for today I'll go a few days into the week and next week...well just next week.
Next week I go home for about two or three days to take Juno for her spay surgery. Huzzah for no more heat cycles!
Well on the bright side I can blare my music and can watch all the pokemon movies I want without getting weird looks :D So Pokemon marathon? I think so.
So since I don't really have anything interesting for today I'll go a few days into the week and next week...well just next week.
Next week I go home for about two or three days to take Juno for her spay surgery. Huzzah for no more heat cycles!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Well that was a shortly lived hiatus but I'm over whatever was bothering me a few days ago. So here I sit with Juno and my Aunt watching The Big Bang Theory marathon that has been going on since yesterday at around 4pm and ends at 10:30pm tonight. It's basically the same four or five episodes over and over again; but they're still good to watch repeatedly.
A few days ago I began my job hunt by going with my Aunt on the bus system around town and handing out eight or nine resumes. Now it's the waiting game for someone to call for an interview (Fingers Crossed) and hopefully get a job.
In other news Juno goes for her spay next tuesday so I will be going to my mom's monday and coming back home tuesday.
Saturday we went to the mall because we were bored, god i love it here, and I ended up buying Escaflowne the movie, Stardust, The Seeker and my aunt got The Perfect Stranger. Since then I've watching Escaflowne and we both watched Stardust.
Also last week I bought the first season of The Vampire Diaries. I've already seen the first and second season but I thought, why not? Let's collect The Vampire Diaries Seasons. That and Heartland; which I saw the third season out when I went to the mall.
So that is all I guess, time to go back to drinking Pepsi and watching repeated episodes of The Big Bang Theory and soon I'll be putting The Vampire Diaries into my laptop and watch that.
A few days ago I began my job hunt by going with my Aunt on the bus system around town and handing out eight or nine resumes. Now it's the waiting game for someone to call for an interview (Fingers Crossed) and hopefully get a job.
In other news Juno goes for her spay next tuesday so I will be going to my mom's monday and coming back home tuesday.
Saturday we went to the mall because we were bored, god i love it here, and I ended up buying Escaflowne the movie, Stardust, The Seeker and my aunt got The Perfect Stranger. Since then I've watching Escaflowne and we both watched Stardust.
Also last week I bought the first season of The Vampire Diaries. I've already seen the first and second season but I thought, why not? Let's collect The Vampire Diaries Seasons. That and Heartland; which I saw the third season out when I went to the mall.
So that is all I guess, time to go back to drinking Pepsi and watching repeated episodes of The Big Bang Theory and soon I'll be putting The Vampire Diaries into my laptop and watch that.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Forgot something
I forgot to mention; in case I never do come back and you want to get a hold of me at all through facebook, I think I've put the link somewhere. But if not I will soon; probably in my profile.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I've been sitting here thinking about stuff and I'm thinking I will go on a hiatus. I don't know how long its going to be for, or if i'll even be coming back. I will be deleting my other blogs though.
I just want to mention a few things here.
First, I'm sorry to whomever I've hurt this summer and I understand if you hate me now. But I just, well, I don't know; I guess it's too late anyways; the damage is done...
Next, I've been living with my Aunt for almost a week now and I think I like it here. So I don't ever plan on moving back home, but i'll visit once in a while.
Lastly, I'll say goodbye. And again i'll say sorry.
I just want to mention a few things here.
First, I'm sorry to whomever I've hurt this summer and I understand if you hate me now. But I just, well, I don't know; I guess it's too late anyways; the damage is done...
Next, I've been living with my Aunt for almost a week now and I think I like it here. So I don't ever plan on moving back home, but i'll visit once in a while.
Lastly, I'll say goodbye. And again i'll say sorry.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Long Couple Days
It has started tonight, Juno has gone into heat again.
Now before you all go and start judging I also put in that she's scheduled for her spay September 14th and that day can not come soon enough. I would have had her fixed last week but they're all booked up and the soonest appointment was september 14th. So for another two weeks i'm stuck with Juno's constant cries.
Poor girls rubbing up against everything.
Now before you all go and start judging I also put in that she's scheduled for her spay September 14th and that day can not come soon enough. I would have had her fixed last week but they're all booked up and the soonest appointment was september 14th. So for another two weeks i'm stuck with Juno's constant cries.
Poor girls rubbing up against everything.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Finally A Look At The New Member
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Another One of These
What would you do if a blind guy/girl started hitting on you?
Slowly walk away :| lol nah just kidding I’d go along with it :P
Single or Taken?
Single and staying that way
Ever been in a fight?
Lots, which do you want to hear about?
If so with who and did you win? And did you use your fists or a weapon?
Ohhh that type of fight…nevermind never been in a fight >.>
Do you get in trouble for things you didn't do?
I usually do them so no
What would you do if you found out your bestfriend were gay?
Treat them the same way I treated them before I knew.
Would you still hang out with them or ditch them and stop talking to them completely?
I’d still hang out with them
If you could speak 3 different languages, what would they be?
Italian, Japanese and German
What would you rather have been named? Or do you like your name?
I wish my name was really Squeezy B Jones D:
Country you've most wanted to visit?
Would you hit your friend if you found out that he/she were going with your bf/gf?
I’d do something better; ignore both of them entirely
You and your friends are bored? What do you do?
Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive?
Are you addicted to anything?
What songs stuck in your head?
Tangled-I See The Light
Are you sporty or just pure lazy?
I’d say I fluctuated from time to time
When was the last time you went to a party?
Was it any good?
What is the point of life?
To live like you were dying
Do you hate Twilight as much as I do?
I really don’t give a shit, to each their own
Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Juno, but she’s not a person.
Ever had a prank go wrong?
Ever tried to outrun a bus?
Now why would I try to do that? :S
If you were to jump out of your bedroom window right now, would you get badly injured?
Back at my mom’s no because I’d have to crawl out of my window to get out and then I’d be on the ground, here I don’t have a real room yet but if I jumped out the window I’d probably die :P
What's the stupidest thing you've done?
Ummmm, probably a lot of things
Do you wanna try sky diving? I know I do?
Ever smart mouthed at a cop?
Ever been held in jail for a night?
If so what could you have possibly done?
Wanna try bungee jumping?
As much as I want to sky dive
One word to descibe yourself?
To describe your friends?
What do you think is at the bottom of the rainbow?
A pink unicorn riding a purple elephant while he eats peanuts and talks to a mouse
Would you save a child if it meant possibly being killed yourself?
Well…no comment
What do you have planned for the weekend?
Would you talk to a stranger on the internet?
Yeah, but they usually last five minutes before they creep me out and I close the chat box.
What's on your mind right now?
I need a job
You wake up as the opposite sex, what's the first thing you do?
Take a shower :P
When you look in a mirror just after waking up, what thought runs through your head?
Holy puff ball
Are you hungry? I know I am?
Turn around, what do you see?
A wall
Can you lick your elbow?
Ever been attacked by a dog?
If I was attacked by one I wouldn’t have one or focus a career on dog grooming
What do you think of weddings?
Fun to watch, never happening to me
If you could make anyone disappear, who would it be?
Do you have an interesting scar?
If so, how'd you get it?
Ever dated someone you didn't find attractive in the least?
Have you ever had a 'kick me' sign stuck to your back and didn't know?
Did you ever begged your parents for a pony when you were little?
Lol yes, but it was a black horse, not a pony XD
Something you regret?
Not studying hard enough in high school
Last concert you went to?
Who is the last person that made you cry?
Can’t say
Do you actually believe that Alaska is covered in snow?
Not really
Type your name, only using your elbow!
Are you purposely irratating?
I try :D
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Probably not
Ever lost anything down the toilet?
What comes to mind when I say 'CABBAGE'?
Patch kids :D
If you were walking down a street and somebody sprayed you with water, what would you do?
Oh you don’t want to do that, you won’t like me when I’m angry *Turns green*
Have you had any broken bones?
Do you know all the words to your National Anthem?
Ever crawled through somebody elses window?
Yeah XD when I was maybe six or seven and it was to get into my neighbors house so I could unlock their door for them
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Do you find Russell Brand funny or irratating? Or both?
Who now?
Have you ever sat down in a chair but fell to the floor, only to find that someone pulled out your chair on purpose?
Do things like that still amuse you when they happen to other people?
Did you know that twinkle twinkle little star and the alphabet have the same rhyme?
Did you just sing them to make sure?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever licked?
A pebble
Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
I think
In your opinion, what is the best lollipop flavour?
Tootsie Pop chocolate
How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
About an hour, two if I’m just getting up
Would you rather be able to fly for a day or be invisible for a day?
When’ s the last time you showered?
An hour ago :D
If you didnt shower for 3 days do you think you would smell?
Do you sleep in a single or double bed?
Couch at the moment but I think a double at my mom’s
Who’s car were you last in that wasn’t family?
Um I think a friend of mine
Are they a good driver in your opinion?
Would you rather have a pet Ostrich or a pet Sheep?
Ostrich, sheep or evil
Do fish make good pets?
What colour is you hair?
Light brown
Is that your natural hair colour?
Do you have any weird phobias?
Of large crowds
Do you have a crush on anyone?
Are you a happy person?
Do you sing like no-one is watching/listening?
Yesh…when no one is watching or listening
Do you swear often?
What do you think of your friends?
They’re the best :)
Slowly walk away :| lol nah just kidding I’d go along with it :P
Single or Taken?
Single and staying that way
Ever been in a fight?
Lots, which do you want to hear about?
If so with who and did you win? And did you use your fists or a weapon?
Ohhh that type of fight…nevermind never been in a fight >.>
Do you get in trouble for things you didn't do?
I usually do them so no
What would you do if you found out your bestfriend were gay?
Treat them the same way I treated them before I knew.
Would you still hang out with them or ditch them and stop talking to them completely?
I’d still hang out with them
If you could speak 3 different languages, what would they be?
Italian, Japanese and German
What would you rather have been named? Or do you like your name?
I wish my name was really Squeezy B Jones D:
Country you've most wanted to visit?
Would you hit your friend if you found out that he/she were going with your bf/gf?
I’d do something better; ignore both of them entirely
You and your friends are bored? What do you do?
Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive?
Are you addicted to anything?
What songs stuck in your head?
Tangled-I See The Light
Are you sporty or just pure lazy?
I’d say I fluctuated from time to time
When was the last time you went to a party?
Was it any good?
What is the point of life?
To live like you were dying
Do you hate Twilight as much as I do?
I really don’t give a shit, to each their own
Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Juno, but she’s not a person.
Ever had a prank go wrong?
Ever tried to outrun a bus?
Now why would I try to do that? :S
If you were to jump out of your bedroom window right now, would you get badly injured?
Back at my mom’s no because I’d have to crawl out of my window to get out and then I’d be on the ground, here I don’t have a real room yet but if I jumped out the window I’d probably die :P
What's the stupidest thing you've done?
Ummmm, probably a lot of things
Do you wanna try sky diving? I know I do?
Ever smart mouthed at a cop?
Ever been held in jail for a night?
If so what could you have possibly done?
Wanna try bungee jumping?
As much as I want to sky dive
One word to descibe yourself?
To describe your friends?
What do you think is at the bottom of the rainbow?
A pink unicorn riding a purple elephant while he eats peanuts and talks to a mouse
Would you save a child if it meant possibly being killed yourself?
Well…no comment
What do you have planned for the weekend?
Would you talk to a stranger on the internet?
Yeah, but they usually last five minutes before they creep me out and I close the chat box.
What's on your mind right now?
I need a job
You wake up as the opposite sex, what's the first thing you do?
Take a shower :P
When you look in a mirror just after waking up, what thought runs through your head?
Holy puff ball
Are you hungry? I know I am?
Turn around, what do you see?
A wall
Can you lick your elbow?
Ever been attacked by a dog?
If I was attacked by one I wouldn’t have one or focus a career on dog grooming
What do you think of weddings?
Fun to watch, never happening to me
If you could make anyone disappear, who would it be?
Do you have an interesting scar?
If so, how'd you get it?
Ever dated someone you didn't find attractive in the least?
Have you ever had a 'kick me' sign stuck to your back and didn't know?
Did you ever begged your parents for a pony when you were little?
Lol yes, but it was a black horse, not a pony XD
Something you regret?
Not studying hard enough in high school
Last concert you went to?
Who is the last person that made you cry?
Can’t say
Do you actually believe that Alaska is covered in snow?
Not really
Type your name, only using your elbow!
Are you purposely irratating?
I try :D
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Probably not
Ever lost anything down the toilet?
What comes to mind when I say 'CABBAGE'?
Patch kids :D
If you were walking down a street and somebody sprayed you with water, what would you do?
Oh you don’t want to do that, you won’t like me when I’m angry *Turns green*
Have you had any broken bones?
Do you know all the words to your National Anthem?
Ever crawled through somebody elses window?
Yeah XD when I was maybe six or seven and it was to get into my neighbors house so I could unlock their door for them
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Do you find Russell Brand funny or irratating? Or both?
Who now?
Have you ever sat down in a chair but fell to the floor, only to find that someone pulled out your chair on purpose?
Do things like that still amuse you when they happen to other people?
Did you know that twinkle twinkle little star and the alphabet have the same rhyme?
Did you just sing them to make sure?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever licked?
A pebble
Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
I think
In your opinion, what is the best lollipop flavour?
Tootsie Pop chocolate
How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
About an hour, two if I’m just getting up
Would you rather be able to fly for a day or be invisible for a day?
When’ s the last time you showered?
An hour ago :D
If you didnt shower for 3 days do you think you would smell?
Do you sleep in a single or double bed?
Couch at the moment but I think a double at my mom’s
Who’s car were you last in that wasn’t family?
Um I think a friend of mine
Are they a good driver in your opinion?
Would you rather have a pet Ostrich or a pet Sheep?
Ostrich, sheep or evil
Do fish make good pets?
What colour is you hair?
Light brown
Is that your natural hair colour?
Do you have any weird phobias?
Of large crowds
Do you have a crush on anyone?
Are you a happy person?
Do you sing like no-one is watching/listening?
Yesh…when no one is watching or listening
Do you swear often?
What do you think of your friends?
They’re the best :)
Moved In
It's half an hour to eleven at night and I'm just sitting here listening to some slow stuff and working on some stuff. I've finally moved in with my aunt and tomorrow we're going out to do some shopping. Juno's off somewhere in the apartment going nuts since she couldn't do so with the dogs bugging her all the time. Nyx is on the coffee table doing his thing.
I like it better here since its only about half an hour away from my mom's so I can see her and Raven whenever I want really.
I like it better here since its only about half an hour away from my mom's so I can see her and Raven whenever I want really.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Final Move, For A Long While
It's been two weeks since I came home and finished my feild placement. Now i'm taking some time to hang out with people before I leave for my aunt's to find work. I'm pretty excited actually, this town i'm in now is sort of boring. Also its not the town I came to love those long eleven years ago. It's not the same.
As you can see I hate change.
I can't wait to move soon, start a new life. Start fresh. Just me, Juno, and Nyx; Don't worry Raven will be with me again soon. But I'm moving into an apartment and no dogs allowed so I'm stuck with my fish and cat.
Well Juno's a whopping 5.8 pounds now from the 2.5 pounds she was when i brought her home. She's turned 5 months today and in a few more weeks she's going to get spayed so we don't have to listen to her constant meowing and rubbing against Raven. I seriously think she thinks Raven is a tomcat.
Lately I've been on a huge Pocohantas and Beauty and the Beast kick; a classic disney kick all in all. I can't wait to finally hook up the good old VCR and pop in an ancient VHS and watch like they did before DVDs came to light.
One last thing, I went out and bought Pokemon Black, White and Soulsilver to add to my pokemon game collection; well black and soulsilver, I bought white for my bro who's taking an interest in the games again (Hopefully).
AAAAnnnnd that is all I guess, nothing really inspiring happened; just thought I'd put something down since I have nothing better to do with my life...besides playing pokemon and trying to collect all of them before the creators of Pokemon decide to make another game and create even more pokemon :|...I'm gonna be one busy girl for a while...
As you can see I hate change.
I can't wait to move soon, start a new life. Start fresh. Just me, Juno, and Nyx; Don't worry Raven will be with me again soon. But I'm moving into an apartment and no dogs allowed so I'm stuck with my fish and cat.
Well Juno's a whopping 5.8 pounds now from the 2.5 pounds she was when i brought her home. She's turned 5 months today and in a few more weeks she's going to get spayed so we don't have to listen to her constant meowing and rubbing against Raven. I seriously think she thinks Raven is a tomcat.
Lately I've been on a huge Pocohantas and Beauty and the Beast kick; a classic disney kick all in all. I can't wait to finally hook up the good old VCR and pop in an ancient VHS and watch like they did before DVDs came to light.
One last thing, I went out and bought Pokemon Black, White and Soulsilver to add to my pokemon game collection; well black and soulsilver, I bought white for my bro who's taking an interest in the games again (Hopefully).
AAAAnnnnd that is all I guess, nothing really inspiring happened; just thought I'd put something down since I have nothing better to do with my life...besides playing pokemon and trying to collect all of them before the creators of Pokemon decide to make another game and create even more pokemon :|...I'm gonna be one busy girl for a while...
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Well, went out today and bought a red male betta with a VT named Nyx. At first I was going to name him Miasma if I could find a purple coloured one, but they only had a faded looking blue, faded looking red and a red. So the whole way home I debated on still going with Miasma or using something else like Angel. Finally came to a conclusion of Phoenix, but it seemed to long so now it's just Nyx.
My little boy is just waiting for his tank water to be ready before I put him into it. Can't wait to share 2 to 4 years with this little guy, :D
I'll post pictures of him later once he's in his new tank.
My little boy is just waiting for his tank water to be ready before I put him into it. Can't wait to share 2 to 4 years with this little guy, :D
I'll post pictures of him later once he's in his new tank.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
August Blues
Its the third day of August, which leaves two more days school. In two days everything I've come to recognize will be gone, leaving only good memories behind. If you asked me a few weeks ago if I'd miss all of this I'd say hell no! But now, with time slowly descending upon me, I'm going to miss everything here. I'm going to miss all the poeple I've met and grew to know since starting. i'm going to miss going to the Animal Centre to see the cats every morning. I'm going to sadly miss Subways.
This has all become so normal to me that going back seems like a step in the wrong direction. Will I ever speak to anyone I met here again? I want to stay in contact with as many people as possible, but I'm afraid that if I bring it up they won't want to. I'm afraid of what I don't know in a sense.
But I made myself laugh a minute ago. I thought about the final days we had in the program and then suddenly i remembered my first day of high school. I had gotten lost trying to find the science room and, all freaked out and grade ninish, I went up to a teacher and asked timidly for directions. And what makes me laugh is that in such a short period of time I went from a timid little shy kid into the girl who is living on her own and going to school every day in an unfamiliar place without anyone I know at an arms length away.
I was kind of timid when I started college too, though, when I wouldn't leave my room unless it was to head to class. Where I'd write everything in a journal to keep me sane and wishing I could go home. Now I don't really know if I want to go home permanently lol.
So, even though I have August Blues for a bit, I know that I won't forget anyone I've met here at school. Though my college experience was a brief experience, it was an amazing experience.
This has all become so normal to me that going back seems like a step in the wrong direction. Will I ever speak to anyone I met here again? I want to stay in contact with as many people as possible, but I'm afraid that if I bring it up they won't want to. I'm afraid of what I don't know in a sense.
But I made myself laugh a minute ago. I thought about the final days we had in the program and then suddenly i remembered my first day of high school. I had gotten lost trying to find the science room and, all freaked out and grade ninish, I went up to a teacher and asked timidly for directions. And what makes me laugh is that in such a short period of time I went from a timid little shy kid into the girl who is living on her own and going to school every day in an unfamiliar place without anyone I know at an arms length away.
I was kind of timid when I started college too, though, when I wouldn't leave my room unless it was to head to class. Where I'd write everything in a journal to keep me sane and wishing I could go home. Now I don't really know if I want to go home permanently lol.
So, even though I have August Blues for a bit, I know that I won't forget anyone I've met here at school. Though my college experience was a brief experience, it was an amazing experience.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hola Everybody
1)Are you really ready for 111 questions? Bring It BITCH!
2) Was your last real relationship a mistake? Sigh -.-
4) Who did you last say “I love you” to? Mom
5) Do you regret it? Why would I regret saying it to my mom o.O
6) Have you ever been depressed? From time to time.
Are you a boy or girl? Girl
9) What is your relationship status? Single
10) How do you want to die? By raining fire balls while dinosaurs rise from the dirt and rampage in an apocalyptic epicness >:D
11) What did you last eat? Salted Almonds
12) Played any sports? noooo
13) Do you bite your nails ? I’m addicted what can I say :P
14) When was your last physical fight? Damn Easter bunny >.>
15) Do you have an attitude? Its my middle name
16) Do you like someone? Oh wouldn’t you like to know >.>
17) What is your real name? Squeezy B Jones….the third….
19) Are you gonna get high later ? If laying staring at the ceiling counts then…yes…
20) Do you hate anyone at the moment? Pssh used to but it’s pointless to hate now
21) Do you miss someone? yeah
22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Burn it with a torch….
23) Do you tan a lot? White as paper
24) Have any pets? Dog and a cat
25) How exactly are you feeling? Like I’m locked in a small white room with no escape…
26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? I haven’t mastered the drive while drinking coffee, but I plan on doing so…
27) Ever made out in the bathroom? noooo
28) Would you take any of your exes back? NO!!!!!!
29) Are you scared of spiders? I just shuddered so yes
30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Yes, and live my life differently
31) Do you regret anything from your past? Yeah, all the time.
32) What are your plans for this weekend? Grooming a dog, sitting in my room of eternal solitary, maybe pick paint off a wall.
33) Do you want to have kids? I will if I find someone.
34) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? Nope
35) Do you type fast? Yep
36) Do you have piercings? How many? Yep, both ears and lip
37) Want any more? Yesss, left nostril and left lower lip
38) Can you spell well? I unno kan eye?
39) Do you miss anyone from your past? yep
40) What are you craving right now? Freezes
41) Ever been to a bonfire party? nope
43) Have you ever been on a horse? Yep
44) Kissed someone in a pick up truck? nope
45) Have you ever broken someone’s heart? I’ve had one but I don’t think I’ve broken someone’s
46) Have you ever been cheated on? nope
47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? no
49) Would you live with someone without marrying them? Yeah, pssh marriage…
50) What should you be doing? A letter assignment, studying for anatomy, studying for clin ops
51) What’s irritating you right now? Being stuck in this room
52) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? Haven’t we all?
53) Does somebody love you? Iunno
54) What is your favorite colour? Red
55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? nope
57) Do you have trust issues? Yes, probably why I’m still alone
60. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? meh
62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? Nope
63) Who was the last person you cried in front of? I tend to cry alone
64) Do you give out second chances too easily? No, never will
65) Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forget
66) Is this year the best year of your life? So far it’s been plain
67) What was your child hood nickname? B, still is
68) Have you ever walked outside completely naked? nooo
70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? yeah
71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? My normal routine of sitting on my laptop
73) What is bothering you? Everything
74) Have you ever been out of your province? No, but I want to move up north or west in a few years.
75) Do you play the Wii? rarely
76) Are you listening to music right now? Hahah yes :P
77) Do you like Chinese food? OMG it’s amazing!
78) Do you know your fathers b- day? yeah
79) Are you afraid of the dark? YES
80) Is cheating ever okay? It’s horrible and I hope it never happens to me
81) Are you mean? >.> yes
82) Can you keep white shoes clean? White sucks, black all the way!
84) Do you believe in true love? I used to, now it’s a myth
88) Do you like the outside? Tis fun
89) Are you currently bored? No shit sherlock
90) Do you wanna get married? No
91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Why would I want to be referred to an infant?
92) Are you hungry? Freezes…
93) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? Ummmm I think so?
94) What makes you happy? Music, animals
95) Would you change your name? Of hell ya…to Squeezy B Jones…lol nah probably to Avery
96) Ever been to Alaska? No.
98) Do you watch the news? No
99) What’ s your zodiac sign? Libra
100) Do you like Subway? Well considering it’s the only stuff to eat around here I’d say it’s growing on me
101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Hell ya >.< shudder
102) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Make a bunker and hide out til the storm clears >.>
103) Do you talk like your friends? No
105) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? yep
106) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Yep, don’t talk to them much anymore though
107) who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? dad
108) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? Yeah, kick him to the curb, I’m allergic to that shit
109) Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? No one
110) Favourite lyrics right now? I Need A Doctor
111) Can you count to one million? I’m not that bored….
Now i'm getting a freakin' freeze...
2) Was your last real relationship a mistake? Sigh -.-
4) Who did you last say “I love you” to? Mom
5) Do you regret it? Why would I regret saying it to my mom o.O
6) Have you ever been depressed? From time to time.
Are you a boy or girl? Girl
9) What is your relationship status? Single
10) How do you want to die? By raining fire balls while dinosaurs rise from the dirt and rampage in an apocalyptic epicness >:D
11) What did you last eat? Salted Almonds
12) Played any sports? noooo
13) Do you bite your nails ? I’m addicted what can I say :P
14) When was your last physical fight? Damn Easter bunny >.>
15) Do you have an attitude? Its my middle name
16) Do you like someone? Oh wouldn’t you like to know >.>
17) What is your real name? Squeezy B Jones….the third….
19) Are you gonna get high later ? If laying staring at the ceiling counts then…yes…
20) Do you hate anyone at the moment? Pssh used to but it’s pointless to hate now
21) Do you miss someone? yeah
22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Burn it with a torch….
23) Do you tan a lot? White as paper
24) Have any pets? Dog and a cat
25) How exactly are you feeling? Like I’m locked in a small white room with no escape…
26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? I haven’t mastered the drive while drinking coffee, but I plan on doing so…
27) Ever made out in the bathroom? noooo
28) Would you take any of your exes back? NO!!!!!!
29) Are you scared of spiders? I just shuddered so yes
30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Yes, and live my life differently
31) Do you regret anything from your past? Yeah, all the time.
32) What are your plans for this weekend? Grooming a dog, sitting in my room of eternal solitary, maybe pick paint off a wall.
33) Do you want to have kids? I will if I find someone.
34) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? Nope
35) Do you type fast? Yep
36) Do you have piercings? How many? Yep, both ears and lip
37) Want any more? Yesss, left nostril and left lower lip
38) Can you spell well? I unno kan eye?
39) Do you miss anyone from your past? yep
40) What are you craving right now? Freezes
41) Ever been to a bonfire party? nope
43) Have you ever been on a horse? Yep
44) Kissed someone in a pick up truck? nope
45) Have you ever broken someone’s heart? I’ve had one but I don’t think I’ve broken someone’s
46) Have you ever been cheated on? nope
47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? no
49) Would you live with someone without marrying them? Yeah, pssh marriage…
50) What should you be doing? A letter assignment, studying for anatomy, studying for clin ops
51) What’s irritating you right now? Being stuck in this room
52) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? Haven’t we all?
53) Does somebody love you? Iunno
54) What is your favorite colour? Red
55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? nope
57) Do you have trust issues? Yes, probably why I’m still alone
60. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? meh
62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? Nope
63) Who was the last person you cried in front of? I tend to cry alone
64) Do you give out second chances too easily? No, never will
65) Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forget
66) Is this year the best year of your life? So far it’s been plain
67) What was your child hood nickname? B, still is
68) Have you ever walked outside completely naked? nooo
70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? yeah
71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? My normal routine of sitting on my laptop
73) What is bothering you? Everything
74) Have you ever been out of your province? No, but I want to move up north or west in a few years.
75) Do you play the Wii? rarely
76) Are you listening to music right now? Hahah yes :P
77) Do you like Chinese food? OMG it’s amazing!
78) Do you know your fathers b- day? yeah
79) Are you afraid of the dark? YES
80) Is cheating ever okay? It’s horrible and I hope it never happens to me
81) Are you mean? >.> yes
82) Can you keep white shoes clean? White sucks, black all the way!
84) Do you believe in true love? I used to, now it’s a myth
88) Do you like the outside? Tis fun
89) Are you currently bored? No shit sherlock
90) Do you wanna get married? No
91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Why would I want to be referred to an infant?
92) Are you hungry? Freezes…
93) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? Ummmm I think so?
94) What makes you happy? Music, animals
95) Would you change your name? Of hell ya…to Squeezy B Jones…lol nah probably to Avery
96) Ever been to Alaska? No.
98) Do you watch the news? No
99) What’ s your zodiac sign? Libra
100) Do you like Subway? Well considering it’s the only stuff to eat around here I’d say it’s growing on me
101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Hell ya >.< shudder
102) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Make a bunker and hide out til the storm clears >.>
103) Do you talk like your friends? No
105) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? yep
106) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Yep, don’t talk to them much anymore though
107) who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? dad
108) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? Yeah, kick him to the curb, I’m allergic to that shit
109) Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? No one
110) Favourite lyrics right now? I Need A Doctor
111) Can you count to one million? I’m not that bored….
Now i'm getting a freakin' freeze...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Welp, I just checked the stats button and I've begun to realize that no one is either A) not interested in my crap anymore and I should try to either improve or leave or B)people are starting to stray from even going on here anymore and that I should just stop blogging all together.
But really, where are you guys? You all just disappeared :(
Even so, nothing new has happened as of late, besides my driving on the highway and the three hour lesson on Saturday. So I'm just going to leave it like this for tonight.
But really, where are you guys? You all just disappeared :(
Even so, nothing new has happened as of late, besides my driving on the highway and the three hour lesson on Saturday. So I'm just going to leave it like this for tonight.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Remember When
I know, I know, I said goodnight a post ago tonight. But I've been listening to some oldies and one song in particular just hit me hard. Alan Jackson's Remember When. A song I listened to after my grandpa passed away, the song I listened to when times were hard, the song I memorized and sang all the time when I was alone.
And sometimes I wish I could go back to then. Being a kid was so much easier than this shit. I didn't understand what was going on at the time with my parents when I was young; i miss the naivety of not knowing.
I see the world today and then I see it back then and want it all to rewind back to that time. Everything just seemed fresher than it does now. Days didn't seem to go by so quickly; just a slow pace was needed.
Back then I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life, but now i'm doing something totally different. Heh, I remember the night after graduating from elementary school I couldn't get to sleep. All I could think about was how terrifying High school was going to be and at how close adult hood was.
This is where hopefully my post makes more sense and flows better...
I can go even farther back to when I first moved to where I lived for eight years or more. Getting ready for that first day of Grade five in a new school with new people. I wasn't too pleased about the whole process of getting onto a bus and going to school. But the first day wasn't too bad. It took me a few weeks though to figure out who to hang out with and who to avoid, but in the end I made a good friend who has stuck it out since then.
Then on came grade eight grad and then high school. Crushes were created and hearts were broken. High school ended and everyone went their own ways.
But you know what, I'd do it all again if I had the chance. I wouldn't even change a single thing, tweek a single memory. Well, I could do without knowing a certain JB person >.> But nonetheless, my life up until now has been amazing. It may have heart a few times and at times I may have felt down. But that's all just made me into who I am today.
And now that the sob fest is over, i'm going to go and try to watch a movie.
~Squeezy~ aka B
And sometimes I wish I could go back to then. Being a kid was so much easier than this shit. I didn't understand what was going on at the time with my parents when I was young; i miss the naivety of not knowing.
I see the world today and then I see it back then and want it all to rewind back to that time. Everything just seemed fresher than it does now. Days didn't seem to go by so quickly; just a slow pace was needed.
Back then I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life, but now i'm doing something totally different. Heh, I remember the night after graduating from elementary school I couldn't get to sleep. All I could think about was how terrifying High school was going to be and at how close adult hood was.
This is where hopefully my post makes more sense and flows better...
I can go even farther back to when I first moved to where I lived for eight years or more. Getting ready for that first day of Grade five in a new school with new people. I wasn't too pleased about the whole process of getting onto a bus and going to school. But the first day wasn't too bad. It took me a few weeks though to figure out who to hang out with and who to avoid, but in the end I made a good friend who has stuck it out since then.
Then on came grade eight grad and then high school. Crushes were created and hearts were broken. High school ended and everyone went their own ways.
But you know what, I'd do it all again if I had the chance. I wouldn't even change a single thing, tweek a single memory. Well, I could do without knowing a certain JB person >.> But nonetheless, my life up until now has been amazing. It may have heart a few times and at times I may have felt down. But that's all just made me into who I am today.
And now that the sob fest is over, i'm going to go and try to watch a movie.
~Squeezy~ aka B
25 days
Its true! Only 25 more days before I have to go out and find a job for myself. I can't believe the year has flown by so fast! It's crazy. It's like it was just yesterday I was walking into the residence and figuring out who my roomie was for half the year. Only yesterday that I walked into Communications class and sat down anywhere that it wasn't too populated since I was freaking scared to death of everyone. Only yesterday that I met a group of amazing people who soon became friends.
Now we're in the final month of school before we leave. Some of us probably won't see each other again, unless we all go to the graduation as of next year.
But anyways, that is all for tonight.
Now we're in the final month of school before we leave. Some of us probably won't see each other again, unless we all go to the graduation as of next year.
But anyways, that is all for tonight.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I Must Confess...I Feel Like A Monster
Well the week is coming to close once again; as all weeks every year since the time when calenders were invented and people kept track of the days, have done. I'm just chilling my free time listening to Skillet and Papa Roach while I ponder ideas for plots and what to write next.
The hardest part of the week is over and done with and now all to do is finish one assignment, get passed a test tomorrow and Friday and try to break it to someone that I'm actually busy on the weekend. Shouldn't be too hard...
The hardest part of the week is over and done with and now all to do is finish one assignment, get passed a test tomorrow and Friday and try to break it to someone that I'm actually busy on the weekend. Shouldn't be too hard...
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Six Months Later
I can't believe that already six months ahve gone by in what seems to be a short amount of time. So much has happened in this short amount of time that I may miss it all when everything comes to a close.
Even though two more months remain, I can feel them breezing by as I type this now. I've met some amazing people and seen some cool things since starting this program. I've even learned alot of things, school related and even about myself. I gained friendships and along with a new fur baby to take care of. I've discovered what I want to do after I leave this place and where I want to end up.
By the end of August I'm going to move in with my Aunt with my kitten Juno where I can visit Raven much more frequently than I could if I was in residence. I'm going to find a job at a groomers and build my way up until I become my own boss; probably won't happen for quite some time but I'm still young.
That's another thing I've realized, I always think time is running out for me, even though i'm only eighteen going on nineteen. But I've come to see that i'm still young and have time work my way to the top gradually. That I don't have to rush before the clock stands still.
And finally i've come to realize that some people will never change. But I won't go into that one.
Anyways, that is all for tonight, I want to finish up some things before going to bed; gotta be up at six tomorrow.
Even though two more months remain, I can feel them breezing by as I type this now. I've met some amazing people and seen some cool things since starting this program. I've even learned alot of things, school related and even about myself. I gained friendships and along with a new fur baby to take care of. I've discovered what I want to do after I leave this place and where I want to end up.
By the end of August I'm going to move in with my Aunt with my kitten Juno where I can visit Raven much more frequently than I could if I was in residence. I'm going to find a job at a groomers and build my way up until I become my own boss; probably won't happen for quite some time but I'm still young.
That's another thing I've realized, I always think time is running out for me, even though i'm only eighteen going on nineteen. But I've come to see that i'm still young and have time work my way to the top gradually. That I don't have to rush before the clock stands still.
And finally i've come to realize that some people will never change. But I won't go into that one.
Anyways, that is all for tonight, I want to finish up some things before going to bed; gotta be up at six tomorrow.
Monday, June 20, 2011
The Tragic Demise of Phoney the Crackberry
Well I always told ppl, don't give me expensive and pricey shit...but no one listens.
We are all gathered here today to honour the short, but beautiful life of Phoney...the crackberry. It was yesterday at approx. 7 or 8 o'clock, when the poor little mobile spaz bot when through his usual routine of offering me music while I shower. When I reached out to turn it off as I always do, he decided that he didn't like it and quit.
It was a long few hours trying to save him, but I think he's reached the last leg of his technological journey.
All I ask of you is to give your respects for this brave little musical device/alarm clock/camera/phone :( He will be dearly missed...
We are all gathered here today to honour the short, but beautiful life of Phoney...the crackberry. It was yesterday at approx. 7 or 8 o'clock, when the poor little mobile spaz bot when through his usual routine of offering me music while I shower. When I reached out to turn it off as I always do, he decided that he didn't like it and quit.
It was a long few hours trying to save him, but I think he's reached the last leg of his technological journey.
All I ask of you is to give your respects for this brave little musical device/alarm clock/camera/phone :( He will be dearly missed...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Juno's Gonna Be One Spoilt Kitty
My mom sent me a pricing for a kitty play pen for when I"m at work and my aunt's at school after I move in with her with Juno. So then it escalated into me looking up other stuff and pricing it. So far I put down for cat fod can lids, a cat tree and kong toys; i'm still looking. She is going to be sooo spoilt...but then again I do this with all my animals :/
My Cat Has Attitude
Oh yeah, she's just like a little bratty child. She torments the older cats in the centre and ever since I introduced her to the desk (which by the way was a bad idea; ask my severed right head phone bud), and she seems to want to pull anything that is dangling off of something to the ground. When I pick her up she gives you this whiney meow to put her down, not much anymore when I'm holding her, she's getting better at just laying with me, but yeah, Juno is sure going to be a handful.
She's thirteen weeks old now, will be fourteen next week when I get her home, and acts like a little three year old. But I loves her :)

She's thirteen weeks old now, will be fourteen next week when I get her home, and acts like a little three year old. But I loves her :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Pic of Juno
Monday, June 13, 2011
Alright everyone, it's time to make the big announcement. I've been working on this for about a week now and have finally heard back from my teachers. in eleven days I will be going home with a kitten that I've adopted. Her name's Juno and I didn't want to say anything before hand because I wanted to make sure everything was finalized. I was going to post a picture but blogger is being a prick; so go to my profile to get a look at her.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
June 8, 2011
I couldn't come up with a title so that'll have to do. Anyways this post is about the impending reading week coming up in sixteen (16) days. Can't wait to go home for a break from school. Holy crap it's been a busy semester I'll tell you that right now.
I'm really close to finishing that driving course I was put into a few weeks ago; just need to do the in car, which I must reschedule since I picked a crappy day to do it.
I've also changed where I'm going to live, I've decided I'm moving in with my aunt after my feild placement and try to find some work where she lives; which is a big town by my standards.
Some other things may unfold in the next couple of weeks and I'll keep you posted on them, so bare with me, I just don't want to say anything and find out it's not happening.
But I think the last thing I will bring up is this band I was referred to and they're pretty good, 10 Years. Go check them out.
I'm really close to finishing that driving course I was put into a few weeks ago; just need to do the in car, which I must reschedule since I picked a crappy day to do it.
I've also changed where I'm going to live, I've decided I'm moving in with my aunt after my feild placement and try to find some work where she lives; which is a big town by my standards.
Some other things may unfold in the next couple of weeks and I'll keep you posted on them, so bare with me, I just don't want to say anything and find out it's not happening.
But I think the last thing I will bring up is this band I was referred to and they're pretty good, 10 Years. Go check them out.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Giving Up
Have you ever given up on someone? That you've gave them so many chances and finally just couldn't do it anymore?
I'm starting to feel this way and it's bothering me because I've never truly turned my back on family before. I'm use to being angry at them for a short period of time and then the next time I see them act as if nothing of the sort happened. But this time, I don't think any resolve is going to come of this situation.
I'm feeling like I'm losing someone and it bugs me so much. I say it doesn't but it does.
But I guess if it's meant to happen; it's to happen. I've given so many chances that I've run out of them.
Maybe in the far off future things will change...maybe they never will and things will be broken forever. All I know is that I'm giving up; I'm finished. It's the end and i'm exhausted.
All I can say now is...I'm sorry I can't be perfect, I'm sorry I'm not what you were hoping for, I'm sorry for being me...but I can't change who I am.
I'm starting to feel this way and it's bothering me because I've never truly turned my back on family before. I'm use to being angry at them for a short period of time and then the next time I see them act as if nothing of the sort happened. But this time, I don't think any resolve is going to come of this situation.
I'm feeling like I'm losing someone and it bugs me so much. I say it doesn't but it does.
But I guess if it's meant to happen; it's to happen. I've given so many chances that I've run out of them.
Maybe in the far off future things will change...maybe they never will and things will be broken forever. All I know is that I'm giving up; I'm finished. It's the end and i'm exhausted.
All I can say now is...I'm sorry I can't be perfect, I'm sorry I'm not what you were hoping for, I'm sorry for being me...but I can't change who I am.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I've been listening to Avenged Sevenfold's song So Far Away and It's gotten me thinking. If I ever lost someone close to me, like a friend, I don't think I'd be able to cope. I don't think I could continue going on knowing that that person wasn't here anymore. I wouldn't do something drastic that could injury me, but I'd probably never get over it.
How does one get over something like that? I can't see how you could. I've thankfully never had to go through that pain.
Wow this is really depressing let's go to something lighter than this subject.
I've started driving classes and I have two more days before God only know's what happens next. I'm too tired to really care much being i haven't slept in since last thursday and probably won't get to until next week Thursday...wait let me check my book.....YES sweet release! I get a sleep in day for thursday, beatiful sleep! :|
Anyways my lamp is now unplugged and sitting lonely in a corner after continuously shocking me until I gave up and my fingers were red. So now I'm back to my black one which doesn't want to hurt me when I try to use it.
So don't really expect much from me in the next few weeks with driving this weekend, a test on friday, a trip next tuesday, a presentation and test on next thursday and animal centre next week monday, tuesday, saturday and sunday.
How does one get over something like that? I can't see how you could. I've thankfully never had to go through that pain.
Wow this is really depressing let's go to something lighter than this subject.
I've started driving classes and I have two more days before God only know's what happens next. I'm too tired to really care much being i haven't slept in since last thursday and probably won't get to until next week Thursday...wait let me check my book.....YES sweet release! I get a sleep in day for thursday, beatiful sleep! :|
Anyways my lamp is now unplugged and sitting lonely in a corner after continuously shocking me until I gave up and my fingers were red. So now I'm back to my black one which doesn't want to hurt me when I try to use it.
So don't really expect much from me in the next few weeks with driving this weekend, a test on friday, a trip next tuesday, a presentation and test on next thursday and animal centre next week monday, tuesday, saturday and sunday.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
My phone ceases to suprise and amaze me
My crackberry (Blackberry:P) never ceases to amaze me. Just the other day, after a storm here where I am, I decided to take a picture of the calm outside once it was over. Once I looked at the picture I was amazed to see what he had done:

It focused on the droplets and blurred out the background; I think it looks poetic.

It focused on the droplets and blurred out the background; I think it looks poetic.
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Longest Post
I'm bored, I found this via google, it's long, bear with me :|
Put your player on shuffle and answer the questions as the songs are played...
Press next song and perhaps the result will be:
Ex. What would you rename yourself to?
Song: Carrie
Artist: Europe
Comment: Not really but close enough...
[Quiz: One]
1. What song best represents my personality?
Song: Should've Listened
Artist: Nickelback
Comment: True
2. What song will be played on my funeral?
Song: Chemical Kids, Mechanical Brides
Artist: Pierce the Veil
Comment: Lovely :|
3. Will I ever love somebody?
Song: How in the world
Artist: Family Force 5
Comment: XD bahahahaha
4. Will I be successful in life?
Song: The Sharpest Lives
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Comment: :S
5. Will I get married even if my love life is out of shape?
Song: Do You Believe
Artist: Still Standing
Comment: I guess I must believe
6. Will anyone accept me as who I am?
Song: Are You Happy Now
Artist: Michelle Branch
Comment: Yes :|
7. How will I die?
Song: So Cold
Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Comment: YES I always wanted to die freezing to death :P
8. Who'll kill me?
Song: Secrets
Artist: One Republic
Comment: Well shit...
9. Will I be a murderer myself?
Song: All I Ever Wanted
Artist: Basshunter
Comment: XD omfg
10. How's my life so far?
Song: Welcome to the Black Parade
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Comment: there you have it ladies and germs :P
11. My current obsession?
Song: Animal I have Become
Artist: Three Days Grace
Comment: Hey i'm in animal care too :D
12. What song best represents my friendship with others?
Song: My Heart Your Hands
Artist: From First to Last
Comment: :| that's too much love
13. If I ever, where would I go on vacation this year?
Song: Trip
Comment: Yeah but where:P
14. Second last question: Which sexuality are you?
Song: We Dance to A Different Disco
Artist: Short Stack
Comment: ummm
15. Last question: What song should end this?
Song: Punch Drunk Love
Artist: The Summer Set
[Quiz: Two]
Will I get far in life?
Song: What Have You Done
Artist: Within Temptation
Comment: Guess it was bad:P
How do my friends see me?:
Song: When I'm Gone
Artist: Simple Plan
Comment: :S
Where will I get married?:
Song: One Last Run
Artist: Nickelback
Comment: on a race track? :S
What is my best friend's theme song?:
Song: When You're Gone
Artist: Avril Lavigne
Comment: :S
What is the story of my life?:
Song: We Are One
Artist: Lion King 2
Comment: LOL
What is/was high school like?:
Song: Thinking Of You
Artist: Katy Perry
Comment: Soo true it was sad :P
How can i get ahead in life?:
Song: Break It Up
Artist: These Kids Wear Crowns
Comment: makes sense...sort of
What is the best thing about me?:
Song: The Outcasts
Artist: Black Veil Brides
Comment: XD
How is today going to be?:
Song: Whoever She Is
Artist: The Maine
Comment: :| no
What is in store for this weekend?:
Song: Take My Hand
Artist: Simple Plan
Comment: At a driving school :|
What song describes my parents?:
Song: On My Own
Artist: Three Days Grace
Comment: Nailed it on that one
My grandparents?:
Song: Back To December
Artist: Taylor Swift
Comment: :S
How is my life going?
Song: It's About Love
Artist: The Medic Droid
Comment: NO IT"S NOT!
What song will they play at my funeral?:
Song: Perfect
Artist: Hedley
Comment: I'd cry in my casket if they played that :P
How does the world see me?:
Song: See You At the Show
Artist: Nickelback
Comment: I knew I should have pursued my musical career! X(
Will I have a happy life?
Song: Two as One
Artist: From First to Last
Comment: It doesn't make any sense! D:
What do my friends really think of me?:
Song: Learn the Hard Way
Artist: Nickelback
Comment: And they can never escape >:D
Do people secretly lust after me?:
Song: Jumper
Artist: Third Eye Blind
Comment: XD
How can I make myself happy?:
Song: My Immortal
Artist: Evanesence
Comment: So I become a vampire?
What should I do with my life?:
Song: Boom Boom Pow
Artist:Black Eyed Peas
Comment: great now my music is telling me to -_-
Will I ever have children?
Song: Walls
Artist: All Time Low
Comment: :/
What is some good advice?:
Song: 1000 Oceans
Artist: Tokio Hotel
Comment: Damn you cryptic advice! DX
What is my signature dancing song?:
Song: On My Own
Artist: Hedley
Comment: Catchy
What do I think my current theme song is?:
Song: Scars (Acoustic)
Artist: Papa Roach
Comment: Right on
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?:
Song: Pain
Artist: Three Days Grace
Comment: -_- really?
What do I really want from life?
Song: Somewhere
Artist: Within Temptation
Comment: What's there?
What should I do to help others?
Song: Crash
Artist: Decyfer Down
What should I do to help myself?
Song: Broken Heart
Artist: Falling Up
Comment: ...
What should I do to succeed in life?
Song: Losing You
Artist: Dead By April
Comment: so I must drop someone like a newborn giraffe to succeed...
What is my one most important goal in life?
Song: Keeping Up With the Joneses
Artist:Chris Donathan
What do I get the most pleasure from?
Song: Don't you know what I think I am
Artist: Fall Out Boy
Comment: hokey...
[Quiz: Three]
If you reached the top of Mount Everest, you would scream:
Song:Goodbye My Lover
Artist: James Blunt
Comment: :|
The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
Song: For You
Artist: The Calling
Comment: Wtf...:|
Your favorite thing to say when drunk is:
Song: I Don't Believe It
Artist: Hedley
Comment: XD
Your message to the world:
Song: Over You
When you think of your best friend you think:
Song: Weight of the World
Comment: :|
Your deepest secret:
Song: Last Train Home
Artist: Lostprophets
Comment: lol that is a big secret :P
Your innermost desire:
Song: Feels like tonight
Artist: Daughtry
Comment: ...
Your oldest memory makes you think:
Song: Too Pretty
Artist: State of Shock
Comment: *tilts head*
Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:
Song: Beautiful Day
Comment: I'm sooo doing that now :D
On your deathbed, you'll whisper:
Song: Born to Be Wild
Artist: Hinder
Your friends say behind your back:
Song: Undo It
Artist:Carrie Underwood
Comment: :/
You say behind your friends' backs:
Song: Breakdown
Comment: Do no! XP
Your opinion of MySpace:
Song: Dysfunctional Family
Artist: Cinema Bizarre
Comment: XD
When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
Song: Love Songs
Artist: Cinema Bizarre
Comment: ...
If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell:
Song: Cloud Nine
Artist: Evanescence
Comment: why...just why...
Right now, your feelings are:
Song: I'm Not Over
Artist: Carolina Liar
Comment: hokey...
What's your excuse for reposting this:
Song: Hollaback Gril
Artist: Gwen Stefani
Comment: PFFTTT
Your life's soundtrack:
Song: Sweet December
Artist: Short Stack
Comment: No thank you, spring and fall all the way
The day you fall in love will be the day that:
Song: Calling All Angels
Artist: Train
Comment: Yes it will be that miraculous
You scream during sex:
Song: Hero/Heroine
Artist: Boys Like Girls
Comment: I sure hope I don't when/if it does happen :|
Your farewell message to the readers of this:
Song: Ready When You Are
Artist: Trapt
Comment: I say that's a perfect msg
And I found this too to add to my long post :D
1 Why did you decide to take this quiz?
Track:Heaven's Calling
Artist: Black Veil Brides
Comments: XD
2 Where will you meet your husband/wife?
Track: Death Comes Callin'
Comments: If that's the case I'd rather not meet them...ever :|
3 Where will you "hug" your wife/husband for the first time?
Track:If I die young
Artist:The Band Perry
Comments: :|
4 What is your secret dream?
Track: Un-Break My Heart
Artist: Toni Braxton
Comments: Yesh :'(
5 What song will they be playing at the morgue when they'll perform your autopsy?
Track: The End
Artist: Simple Plan
Comments: pfft :P
6 Who will throw a party after you die?
Track: Check Yes Juliet
Artist: We The Kings
Comments: eh, I want ppl partying when I die anyways:P
7 What song describes you when you're so drunk that you can't speak?
Track:In My Hands
Artist:Short Stack
Comments: ...
8 What will actually kill you?
Artist: Shinedown
Comments: :| by what....
9 Who will be your slave?
Comments: MWHAHAHAHAH I shall inslave the race of junebugs to do my bidding once a year! >:D
10 What will you look like at the age of 80?
Track:LIke You
Artist: Evanescence
Comments: XD
11 Where will you meet your arch enemy of life?
Track:Hang on
Artist: Plumb
Comments: To what?
12 Where did your parents 'create' you?
Artist: Escape the Fate
Comments: :|
13 What will happen to you tonight, after going to bed?
Track: You'll Only Make it Worse
Artist: New Years Day
Comments: ....
14 What is the meaning of your life?
Track: Everybody Knows
Artist:Dixie Chicks
Comments:Then, please, enlighten me everybody :P
15 What will be the meaning of your death?
Track:Hands Up
Artist: Hedley
Comments: I get shot in a gunfight against cops? :P
16 How many necrophiles will ravage your corpse?
Track:Come Home
Artist: Onerepublic feat. Sara Bareilles
Comments: and that is a little creepy :|
17 What do you hate the most?
Track:Bye Bye Beautiful
Artist: Nightwish
Comments: ...
18 What do you love the best?
Track:Ladies and Gentlemen
Artist: Short Stack
Comments: XD I can't pick which I like best
19 What makes you feel like jumping out the window?
Track:Tears of an Angel
Comments: I guess
20 What do you think about bananas?
Track:Opposite Directions
Artist: Union of KNives
Comments: Hell yes -_-
21 Where would you like to be now?
Track:Running out of time
Artist:Simple Plan
Comments: ...
22 Who would you like to have a tea-party with?
Track:By the Way
Artist: Hinder
Comments: ...
23 How would you describe your childhood?
Track:You Are my hope
Artist: Skillet
Comments: ...
24 If you could do anything you want, what would it be?
Track: Young and Stupid
Artist: Hedley
Comments:Wouldn't we all?:P
25 Recent obsessions/existential problems?
Track:Miserable at Best
Artist:Mayday Parade
Comments: ...
26 If they would make a movie about you, what would be the title?
Track:You KNow what they do to guys like us in prison
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Comments: :D
27 Where did the pigeons go?
Track:Get Out Alive
Artist: THree Days Grace
Comments: ...
28 Are you a good stalker/rapist?
Track:Gone Forever
Artist:Three Days Grace
Comments: :|
29 What will your neighbor think of you when they'll finds out that you have naked pictures of them?
Track:Holding On
Artist:Simple Plan
Comments:He'll hold onto them :|
30 Who's for dinner tonight?
Track:Codl as You
Artist:Taylor Swift
Comments: ...
31 Who are you hiding in your cupboard tonight?
Artist: Enrique Iglesias
Comments: :D YES
32 Who is your fashion ideal?
Track: Lucy
Artist: Skillet
Comments: Such a sad song :(
33 This halloween, you'll dress up as a ......???
Artist: Hedley
Comments: How is that possible? :S
34 Who would you like to keep in your pockets all the time?
Track:Not An Angel YEt
Artist: City SLeeps
Comments: ...
35 If you'd won the lottery, who would you buy first?
Track:I belong to you
36 Are we there yet?
Track:The Flood
Artist:Escape the fate
Comments: ...
37 Em...any hard feelings for choosing our survey?
Artist: Hedley
Comments: Nah :P
38 What are your thoughts about the people who made this quiz?
Track:Don't Speak
Artist: No Doubt
Comments: :P
And that is it, holy cow I can't feel my hands :|
Put your player on shuffle and answer the questions as the songs are played...
Press next song and perhaps the result will be:
Ex. What would you rename yourself to?
Song: Carrie
Artist: Europe
Comment: Not really but close enough...
[Quiz: One]
1. What song best represents my personality?
Song: Should've Listened
Artist: Nickelback
Comment: True
2. What song will be played on my funeral?
Song: Chemical Kids, Mechanical Brides
Artist: Pierce the Veil
Comment: Lovely :|
3. Will I ever love somebody?
Song: How in the world
Artist: Family Force 5
Comment: XD bahahahaha
4. Will I be successful in life?
Song: The Sharpest Lives
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Comment: :S
5. Will I get married even if my love life is out of shape?
Song: Do You Believe
Artist: Still Standing
Comment: I guess I must believe
6. Will anyone accept me as who I am?
Song: Are You Happy Now
Artist: Michelle Branch
Comment: Yes :|
7. How will I die?
Song: So Cold
Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Comment: YES I always wanted to die freezing to death :P
8. Who'll kill me?
Song: Secrets
Artist: One Republic
Comment: Well shit...
9. Will I be a murderer myself?
Song: All I Ever Wanted
Artist: Basshunter
Comment: XD omfg
10. How's my life so far?
Song: Welcome to the Black Parade
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Comment: there you have it ladies and germs :P
11. My current obsession?
Song: Animal I have Become
Artist: Three Days Grace
Comment: Hey i'm in animal care too :D
12. What song best represents my friendship with others?
Song: My Heart Your Hands
Artist: From First to Last
Comment: :| that's too much love
13. If I ever, where would I go on vacation this year?
Song: Trip
Comment: Yeah but where:P
14. Second last question: Which sexuality are you?
Song: We Dance to A Different Disco
Artist: Short Stack
Comment: ummm
15. Last question: What song should end this?
Song: Punch Drunk Love
Artist: The Summer Set
[Quiz: Two]
Will I get far in life?
Song: What Have You Done
Artist: Within Temptation
Comment: Guess it was bad:P
How do my friends see me?:
Song: When I'm Gone
Artist: Simple Plan
Comment: :S
Where will I get married?:
Song: One Last Run
Artist: Nickelback
Comment: on a race track? :S
What is my best friend's theme song?:
Song: When You're Gone
Artist: Avril Lavigne
Comment: :S
What is the story of my life?:
Song: We Are One
Artist: Lion King 2
Comment: LOL
What is/was high school like?:
Song: Thinking Of You
Artist: Katy Perry
Comment: Soo true it was sad :P
How can i get ahead in life?:
Song: Break It Up
Artist: These Kids Wear Crowns
Comment: makes sense...sort of
What is the best thing about me?:
Song: The Outcasts
Artist: Black Veil Brides
Comment: XD
How is today going to be?:
Song: Whoever She Is
Artist: The Maine
Comment: :| no
What is in store for this weekend?:
Song: Take My Hand
Artist: Simple Plan
Comment: At a driving school :|
What song describes my parents?:
Song: On My Own
Artist: Three Days Grace
Comment: Nailed it on that one
My grandparents?:
Song: Back To December
Artist: Taylor Swift
Comment: :S
How is my life going?
Song: It's About Love
Artist: The Medic Droid
Comment: NO IT"S NOT!
What song will they play at my funeral?:
Song: Perfect
Artist: Hedley
Comment: I'd cry in my casket if they played that :P
How does the world see me?:
Song: See You At the Show
Artist: Nickelback
Comment: I knew I should have pursued my musical career! X(
Will I have a happy life?
Song: Two as One
Artist: From First to Last
Comment: It doesn't make any sense! D:
What do my friends really think of me?:
Song: Learn the Hard Way
Artist: Nickelback
Comment: And they can never escape >:D
Do people secretly lust after me?:
Song: Jumper
Artist: Third Eye Blind
Comment: XD
How can I make myself happy?:
Song: My Immortal
Artist: Evanesence
Comment: So I become a vampire?
What should I do with my life?:
Song: Boom Boom Pow
Artist:Black Eyed Peas
Comment: great now my music is telling me to -_-
Will I ever have children?
Song: Walls
Artist: All Time Low
Comment: :/
What is some good advice?:
Song: 1000 Oceans
Artist: Tokio Hotel
Comment: Damn you cryptic advice! DX
What is my signature dancing song?:
Song: On My Own
Artist: Hedley
Comment: Catchy
What do I think my current theme song is?:
Song: Scars (Acoustic)
Artist: Papa Roach
Comment: Right on
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?:
Song: Pain
Artist: Three Days Grace
Comment: -_- really?
What do I really want from life?
Song: Somewhere
Artist: Within Temptation
Comment: What's there?
What should I do to help others?
Song: Crash
Artist: Decyfer Down
What should I do to help myself?
Song: Broken Heart
Artist: Falling Up
Comment: ...
What should I do to succeed in life?
Song: Losing You
Artist: Dead By April
Comment: so I must drop someone like a newborn giraffe to succeed...
What is my one most important goal in life?
Song: Keeping Up With the Joneses
Artist:Chris Donathan
What do I get the most pleasure from?
Song: Don't you know what I think I am
Artist: Fall Out Boy
Comment: hokey...
[Quiz: Three]
If you reached the top of Mount Everest, you would scream:
Song:Goodbye My Lover
Artist: James Blunt
Comment: :|
The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say:
Song: For You
Artist: The Calling
Comment: Wtf...:|
Your favorite thing to say when drunk is:
Song: I Don't Believe It
Artist: Hedley
Comment: XD
Your message to the world:
Song: Over You
When you think of your best friend you think:
Song: Weight of the World
Comment: :|
Your deepest secret:
Song: Last Train Home
Artist: Lostprophets
Comment: lol that is a big secret :P
Your innermost desire:
Song: Feels like tonight
Artist: Daughtry
Comment: ...
Your oldest memory makes you think:
Song: Too Pretty
Artist: State of Shock
Comment: *tilts head*
Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include:
Song: Beautiful Day
Comment: I'm sooo doing that now :D
On your deathbed, you'll whisper:
Song: Born to Be Wild
Artist: Hinder
Your friends say behind your back:
Song: Undo It
Artist:Carrie Underwood
Comment: :/
You say behind your friends' backs:
Song: Breakdown
Comment: Do no! XP
Your opinion of MySpace:
Song: Dysfunctional Family
Artist: Cinema Bizarre
Comment: XD
When you wake up in the morning, you mutter:
Song: Love Songs
Artist: Cinema Bizarre
Comment: ...
If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell:
Song: Cloud Nine
Artist: Evanescence
Comment: why...just why...
Right now, your feelings are:
Song: I'm Not Over
Artist: Carolina Liar
Comment: hokey...
What's your excuse for reposting this:
Song: Hollaback Gril
Artist: Gwen Stefani
Comment: PFFTTT
Your life's soundtrack:
Song: Sweet December
Artist: Short Stack
Comment: No thank you, spring and fall all the way
The day you fall in love will be the day that:
Song: Calling All Angels
Artist: Train
Comment: Yes it will be that miraculous
You scream during sex:
Song: Hero/Heroine
Artist: Boys Like Girls
Comment: I sure hope I don't when/if it does happen :|
Your farewell message to the readers of this:
Song: Ready When You Are
Artist: Trapt
Comment: I say that's a perfect msg
And I found this too to add to my long post :D
1 Why did you decide to take this quiz?
Track:Heaven's Calling
Artist: Black Veil Brides
Comments: XD
2 Where will you meet your husband/wife?
Track: Death Comes Callin'
Comments: If that's the case I'd rather not meet them...ever :|
3 Where will you "hug" your wife/husband for the first time?
Track:If I die young
Artist:The Band Perry
Comments: :|
4 What is your secret dream?
Track: Un-Break My Heart
Artist: Toni Braxton
Comments: Yesh :'(
5 What song will they be playing at the morgue when they'll perform your autopsy?
Track: The End
Artist: Simple Plan
Comments: pfft :P
6 Who will throw a party after you die?
Track: Check Yes Juliet
Artist: We The Kings
Comments: eh, I want ppl partying when I die anyways:P
7 What song describes you when you're so drunk that you can't speak?
Track:In My Hands
Artist:Short Stack
Comments: ...
8 What will actually kill you?
Artist: Shinedown
Comments: :| by what....
9 Who will be your slave?
Comments: MWHAHAHAHAH I shall inslave the race of junebugs to do my bidding once a year! >:D
10 What will you look like at the age of 80?
Track:LIke You
Artist: Evanescence
Comments: XD
11 Where will you meet your arch enemy of life?
Track:Hang on
Artist: Plumb
Comments: To what?
12 Where did your parents 'create' you?
Artist: Escape the Fate
Comments: :|
13 What will happen to you tonight, after going to bed?
Track: You'll Only Make it Worse
Artist: New Years Day
Comments: ....
14 What is the meaning of your life?
Track: Everybody Knows
Artist:Dixie Chicks
Comments:Then, please, enlighten me everybody :P
15 What will be the meaning of your death?
Track:Hands Up
Artist: Hedley
Comments: I get shot in a gunfight against cops? :P
16 How many necrophiles will ravage your corpse?
Track:Come Home
Artist: Onerepublic feat. Sara Bareilles
Comments: and that is a little creepy :|
17 What do you hate the most?
Track:Bye Bye Beautiful
Artist: Nightwish
Comments: ...
18 What do you love the best?
Track:Ladies and Gentlemen
Artist: Short Stack
Comments: XD I can't pick which I like best
19 What makes you feel like jumping out the window?
Track:Tears of an Angel
Comments: I guess
20 What do you think about bananas?
Track:Opposite Directions
Artist: Union of KNives
Comments: Hell yes -_-
21 Where would you like to be now?
Track:Running out of time
Artist:Simple Plan
Comments: ...
22 Who would you like to have a tea-party with?
Track:By the Way
Artist: Hinder
Comments: ...
23 How would you describe your childhood?
Track:You Are my hope
Artist: Skillet
Comments: ...
24 If you could do anything you want, what would it be?
Track: Young and Stupid
Artist: Hedley
Comments:Wouldn't we all?:P
25 Recent obsessions/existential problems?
Track:Miserable at Best
Artist:Mayday Parade
Comments: ...
26 If they would make a movie about you, what would be the title?
Track:You KNow what they do to guys like us in prison
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Comments: :D
27 Where did the pigeons go?
Track:Get Out Alive
Artist: THree Days Grace
Comments: ...
28 Are you a good stalker/rapist?
Track:Gone Forever
Artist:Three Days Grace
Comments: :|
29 What will your neighbor think of you when they'll finds out that you have naked pictures of them?
Track:Holding On
Artist:Simple Plan
Comments:He'll hold onto them :|
30 Who's for dinner tonight?
Track:Codl as You
Artist:Taylor Swift
Comments: ...
31 Who are you hiding in your cupboard tonight?
Artist: Enrique Iglesias
Comments: :D YES
32 Who is your fashion ideal?
Track: Lucy
Artist: Skillet
Comments: Such a sad song :(
33 This halloween, you'll dress up as a ......???
Artist: Hedley
Comments: How is that possible? :S
34 Who would you like to keep in your pockets all the time?
Track:Not An Angel YEt
Artist: City SLeeps
Comments: ...
35 If you'd won the lottery, who would you buy first?
Track:I belong to you
36 Are we there yet?
Track:The Flood
Artist:Escape the fate
Comments: ...
37 Em...any hard feelings for choosing our survey?
Artist: Hedley
Comments: Nah :P
38 What are your thoughts about the people who made this quiz?
Track:Don't Speak
Artist: No Doubt
Comments: :P
And that is it, holy cow I can't feel my hands :|
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Alright everyone I'm probably going to get some hate mail for doing this but, I bought pinch collars for both our dogs. Now I didn't just run out there and buy them before trying other methods. I've tried a flat collar, a halti (which just turned Raven off from wanting to even stand up once I put it on him), a variety of harnesses and lastly tried a choke chain. So finally I went out and got one and I'm quite serious my brother took his Boston terrier out for a walk with it and comes back saying it was the best walk they ever had together since before she would drag him around the yard. And I was with him walking Raven behind him and she had a bounce to her step and was actually paying attention to him as they walked.
Now I will mention that we live with my grandparents and at this time I'm off at school (which I wish residence would allow pets, then Raven would be with me :( ) So Raven (who also pulls pretty hard) is left to be walked by my grandparents and mom (who all have bad backs).
Alright they may look horrible and people will probably start calling me a sick f*ck for using them on my dogs and all those lovely things, but I'll tell you something, when I went to try out a halti (head harness) on Raven he looked miserable walking out of the store and people were looking at me as if i was a horrible human being. He hung his head and finally just laid down and wouldn't budge. I tried the halti a few times before finally just hanging it up and going back to a harness and being tugged along for the ride. With the Pinch collar he actually sits down in front of the door when I pull it out and tries put it on before I'm ready for him. As soon as i put it on him he walked right next to me, I could even keep a slacked leash with him. Same goes for Sybil; there was actually loose leash between her and me (even for my brother) while walking.
I'm probably going to get people bashing me for using this and if that's the case I'm going to delete this blog and end it there because I will not tolerate that on my blogs. I just want to say that this blog is talking about my experience with pinch collars, I want to add my own opinion to the pot. But I will say what others have said, all training tools can be useful if used PROPERLY and useless if used INAPPROPRIATELY.
So thank you for reading this if anyone actually does read this and don't take my words to heart, go out there and make up your own mind about anything. Believe in what you believe. And again if I start getting mean feedback this blog is gone, I will not tolerate childishness on my blog, unless it's from Phil; this it's all right cause I know she's just trying to screw with me :P.
Now I will mention that we live with my grandparents and at this time I'm off at school (which I wish residence would allow pets, then Raven would be with me :( ) So Raven (who also pulls pretty hard) is left to be walked by my grandparents and mom (who all have bad backs).
Alright they may look horrible and people will probably start calling me a sick f*ck for using them on my dogs and all those lovely things, but I'll tell you something, when I went to try out a halti (head harness) on Raven he looked miserable walking out of the store and people were looking at me as if i was a horrible human being. He hung his head and finally just laid down and wouldn't budge. I tried the halti a few times before finally just hanging it up and going back to a harness and being tugged along for the ride. With the Pinch collar he actually sits down in front of the door when I pull it out and tries put it on before I'm ready for him. As soon as i put it on him he walked right next to me, I could even keep a slacked leash with him. Same goes for Sybil; there was actually loose leash between her and me (even for my brother) while walking.
I'm probably going to get people bashing me for using this and if that's the case I'm going to delete this blog and end it there because I will not tolerate that on my blogs. I just want to say that this blog is talking about my experience with pinch collars, I want to add my own opinion to the pot. But I will say what others have said, all training tools can be useful if used PROPERLY and useless if used INAPPROPRIATELY.
So thank you for reading this if anyone actually does read this and don't take my words to heart, go out there and make up your own mind about anything. Believe in what you believe. And again if I start getting mean feedback this blog is gone, I will not tolerate childishness on my blog, unless it's from Phil; this it's all right cause I know she's just trying to screw with me :P.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Two Roads, One Path
Hence the title above we'll be chatting up about taking our different paths in life. About how some people in life take different paths while you take a path in the opposite direction. Kind of like the From First to Last song Note to Self. "Two roads split off from here, and my life goes running in opposite directions." Sorta like that, but anyways who here feels that the people they knew back in their childhood years have seemed to have gone in an opposite direction that you've chosen and you barely get time to see them or even speak to them.
I've had a few friends that I had back in high school that i don't even speak to anymore and some of the few that I still talk to at times I seem to have to muster up the will to even talk to them; it gets harder and harder as time goes on.
I have friends in college that i miss when i go home for breaks because when I go home no one I knows seems to care enough to drop me a line or want to hang out. And I do mention when I will be home. It's just a pain and a little perturbing when I don't hear from anyone. I actually miss school and want to go back so i can hang out with the poeple I've met here in college.
I don't really think people read these, i guess someone views this if it pops up in their google search. But to those that actually read these and waste their time with my jargon, I applaud thee.
I'm going home for the long weekend, not that anyone really cares.
I've had a few friends that I had back in high school that i don't even speak to anymore and some of the few that I still talk to at times I seem to have to muster up the will to even talk to them; it gets harder and harder as time goes on.
I have friends in college that i miss when i go home for breaks because when I go home no one I knows seems to care enough to drop me a line or want to hang out. And I do mention when I will be home. It's just a pain and a little perturbing when I don't hear from anyone. I actually miss school and want to go back so i can hang out with the poeple I've met here in college.
I don't really think people read these, i guess someone views this if it pops up in their google search. But to those that actually read these and waste their time with my jargon, I applaud thee.
I'm going home for the long weekend, not that anyone really cares.
Monday, May 16, 2011
I think it's time to announce my new professional name...wait for it...
Squeezy! :D
Yep that's my college name and you won't believe how i got it :P
It's all thanks to the laptop bag I've been using for the last few months that squeaks everytime I move my hip into it and it reminds my frinds from school of the penguin named Squeezy from Toy Story 2. So I think it's a perfectly good name now :D
So welcome Squeezy everybody because she's not going anywhere for quite some time now.
Squeezy! :D
Yep that's my college name and you won't believe how i got it :P
It's all thanks to the laptop bag I've been using for the last few months that squeaks everytime I move my hip into it and it reminds my frinds from school of the penguin named Squeezy from Toy Story 2. So I think it's a perfectly good name now :D
So welcome Squeezy everybody because she's not going anywhere for quite some time now.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Yes my dog Raven has his own entry. He must feel special right now:P
Anyways I'm making this entry so late, and after I've already posted today, because I've been reading up on Shih poos and i'm starting to wonder if Raven is some sort of super shih poo O.o.
He shows more of the poodle aspect than the shih tzu in that he has the scissor bite. And I was about to start comparing information until I search enough to find that they can get to 20 pounds since he's a perfect 18 pounds and he's super skinny. I mean he's skinnnier than I am but no bones stick out.

So now that my worries have been somewhat taken care of I think i'll finish off this blog post with a bit about Raven since the last time you heard about him, which was probably after he was fixed and wearing that cone.
So he's going to be two August 18th and he's already starting to grow grey/silver hairs :|. I'm guessing that's part of the shih tzu in him seeing as I've heard Shih Tzu's sometimes go from being black as pups to greying out as they grow older. Don't take my word for it; it's just what I think is going on.
But I'm curious, I've searched google a few times before for a shih poo that looks more like the poodle side than the shih tzu and only have I found one that some what resembles it. If anyone out there has seen or has a shih poo maybe you've seen one that does? If not then i think i'm back to the drawing board on trying to figure out what the heck else is in this guy.
Anyways I'm making this entry so late, and after I've already posted today, because I've been reading up on Shih poos and i'm starting to wonder if Raven is some sort of super shih poo O.o.
He shows more of the poodle aspect than the shih tzu in that he has the scissor bite. And I was about to start comparing information until I search enough to find that they can get to 20 pounds since he's a perfect 18 pounds and he's super skinny. I mean he's skinnnier than I am but no bones stick out.

So now that my worries have been somewhat taken care of I think i'll finish off this blog post with a bit about Raven since the last time you heard about him, which was probably after he was fixed and wearing that cone.
So he's going to be two August 18th and he's already starting to grow grey/silver hairs :|. I'm guessing that's part of the shih tzu in him seeing as I've heard Shih Tzu's sometimes go from being black as pups to greying out as they grow older. Don't take my word for it; it's just what I think is going on.
But I'm curious, I've searched google a few times before for a shih poo that looks more like the poodle side than the shih tzu and only have I found one that some what resembles it. If anyone out there has seen or has a shih poo maybe you've seen one that does? If not then i think i'm back to the drawing board on trying to figure out what the heck else is in this guy.
I'm Just a Kid...
Who here is still a kid in school? Like high school or elementary school. If you are, did you ever feel like you didn't belong or that no one was listening? I had that problem back then. I remember not really fitting in as a child and couldn't seem to hold onto a friend to save my life. I did have the handful of friends but it doesn't seem like they've really stuck around; be it that I haven't really tried to keep them in my life or they've moved onto other things.
I can say college is by far the place where I feel I most belong. I have friends here that have a common interest with me that we can have strange animal related conversations for hours without becoming bored.
So to those that feel like outcasts, it gets better.
Now that all that sappy, touchy-feely stuff is out of the way i'd like to announce a certain band that I have begun to listen to again. Simple Plan! I've loved these guys since a friend of mine had shown it to me in like...god was it grade seven? or eight? I think around that time line, so about seven or eight years ago. Such a long time. I can't wait for their new album and have already fallen in love with Jet Leg. Who else here can't wait for the album?
Well, until next time.
I can say college is by far the place where I feel I most belong. I have friends here that have a common interest with me that we can have strange animal related conversations for hours without becoming bored.
So to those that feel like outcasts, it gets better.
Now that all that sappy, touchy-feely stuff is out of the way i'd like to announce a certain band that I have begun to listen to again. Simple Plan! I've loved these guys since a friend of mine had shown it to me in like...god was it grade seven? or eight? I think around that time line, so about seven or eight years ago. Such a long time. I can't wait for their new album and have already fallen in love with Jet Leg. Who else here can't wait for the album?
Well, until next time.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Back Tomorrow and I've Learned Something
Heading back to residence tomorrow, not really looking forward to it but hey, four more months and then I don't have to deal with school ever again. I say that's a win.
Anyways just here to mention I've learned something new about myself. Before when I went to sleep I couldn't seem to pass out fast enough and then I'd be laying there cursing myself as i tossed and turned for hours before finally passing out only to be hella tired the next morning.
So, being the music lover I am, I made a small playlist of slow, calm, relaxing songs and then set them on shuffle and repeat all before turning it to the lowest volume setting and sticking it under my pillow. Works like a dream, and since I plug my phone in every night i don't have to worry about battery drainage if I fall asleep before I can turn it back off.
So, what helps you get to sleep at night?
Anyways just here to mention I've learned something new about myself. Before when I went to sleep I couldn't seem to pass out fast enough and then I'd be laying there cursing myself as i tossed and turned for hours before finally passing out only to be hella tired the next morning.
So, being the music lover I am, I made a small playlist of slow, calm, relaxing songs and then set them on shuffle and repeat all before turning it to the lowest volume setting and sticking it under my pillow. Works like a dream, and since I plug my phone in every night i don't have to worry about battery drainage if I fall asleep before I can turn it back off.
So, what helps you get to sleep at night?
Thursday, May 5, 2011
What Really Grinds My Gears
1. people who think they know EVERYTHING
2. Haters on my favourite movies>.>
3. Crazy ass drivers on the damn road
4. Politics...
5. Chimps >.>
6. Whenever the DVD player in my mom's living room decides to crap out on me and kill the sound or skip epic parts of the movie I currently have in it
7. The fact that lists are top 'ten'
8. hearing background noise when i'm trying to type a damn list of gear grinding epicness
9. My crackberry sezuring on me and ending up having to have the battery removed and then wait an ass amount of time until it turns back on
10. this damn number >.>
2. Haters on my favourite movies>.>
3. Crazy ass drivers on the damn road
4. Politics...
5. Chimps >.>
6. Whenever the DVD player in my mom's living room decides to crap out on me and kill the sound or skip epic parts of the movie I currently have in it
7. The fact that lists are top 'ten'
8. hearing background noise when i'm trying to type a damn list of gear grinding epicness
9. My crackberry sezuring on me and ending up having to have the battery removed and then wait an ass amount of time until it turns back on
10. this damn number >.>
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Music Portals
Do you ever find a song that just takes you back? Like a rift in time, a portal that takes you to the past; to a certain moment in time that meant so much to you? I have that happen all the time. Music has a way of taking you back to a familiar memory. Be it sad, or happy; it takes you there. Here are some examples.
December by Collective Soul
This song brings me back to a time when my parents were still together. Here I'll put it on and tell ya what I see.....ahh there we go. Long tiring car rides after going to see relatives. Crisp breeze wafting through the window as we drive down the high way. Bright lights from other passing cars. That's what I remember when I hear this song. Of course that memory is where I listened to that song.
Then in my previous post I spoke of how Tim McGraw's My Old Friend brought back slightly painful memories.
So what song brings back memories for you? They can be little as little as just seeing mental pictures to as vivid as if you were right there again.
December by Collective Soul
This song brings me back to a time when my parents were still together. Here I'll put it on and tell ya what I see.....ahh there we go. Long tiring car rides after going to see relatives. Crisp breeze wafting through the window as we drive down the high way. Bright lights from other passing cars. That's what I remember when I hear this song. Of course that memory is where I listened to that song.
Then in my previous post I spoke of how Tim McGraw's My Old Friend brought back slightly painful memories.
So what song brings back memories for you? They can be little as little as just seeing mental pictures to as vivid as if you were right there again.
My Old Friend
Here I go again, remenescing about the old days. I just started listening to Tim McGraw again and well one song I use to listen to after I lost Sally came on and all the memories flooded back. It'll be six years since she's been gone. And if you haven't been following along with me from the beginning then Sally is my old horse; my first horse. The song I'm listening to is called My Old Friend, and this is how it goes:
My old friend, I recall
the times we had hanging on my wall
I wouldn't trade them for gold
Cause they laugh and they cry me
Somehow sanctify me
They're woven in the stories i have told
and tell again
My old friend, I apologize
for the years that have passed
since the last time you and I
dusted off those memories
but the running and the races
the people and the places
there's always somewhere else I had to be
time gets slim, my old friend
Don't know why, don't know why
don't know why, don't know why
My old friend, this song's for you
cause a few simple verses
was the least that I could do
to tell the world that you were here
cause the love and the laughter
will live on long after
all of the sadness and the tears
we'll meet again, my old friend
Goodbye, Goodbye
Goodbye, Goodbye
My old friend, my old friend
Goodbye, goodbye
I remember all sorts of memories when I hear this song. And once again I feel like I'm being taken back to a better time. Back to a time when everything was right.
My old friend, I recall
the times we had hanging on my wall
I wouldn't trade them for gold
Cause they laugh and they cry me
Somehow sanctify me
They're woven in the stories i have told
and tell again
My old friend, I apologize
for the years that have passed
since the last time you and I
dusted off those memories
but the running and the races
the people and the places
there's always somewhere else I had to be
time gets slim, my old friend
Don't know why, don't know why
don't know why, don't know why
My old friend, this song's for you
cause a few simple verses
was the least that I could do
to tell the world that you were here
cause the love and the laughter
will live on long after
all of the sadness and the tears
we'll meet again, my old friend
Goodbye, Goodbye
Goodbye, Goodbye
My old friend, my old friend
Goodbye, goodbye
I remember all sorts of memories when I hear this song. And once again I feel like I'm being taken back to a better time. Back to a time when everything was right.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Its Over
I have finally completed my never to be released ever book, The Anchor. FINALLY! I can't even remember when I started it, like last year or something? But it's over, 67 pages over. I actually liked the outcomes to it, but i'm not sure if it really flowed that much towards the end.
Now to work on the other forty something unfinished projects in my document file on my laptop. Wish me luck.
Now to work on the other forty something unfinished projects in my document file on my laptop. Wish me luck.
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